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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Well, I'm not retarded enough to pursue an education I can't afford to pay off with gainful employment later on. The little wavy Down's Syndrome emoticon guy is a nice touch. "Let me be the bridge to an America that only the unknowing call myth. Let me be the bridge to a time of tranquillity, faith, and confidence in action" - Prole
  2. Well, I'm not retarded enough to pursue an education I can't afford to pay off with gainful employment later on.
  3. Or currently-implemented policies through the present, dipshit. Your "example" has no details, and is laughable for many reasons, not the least of which is the tie-in to the 50's. Isn't that the fatal bullet that killed off Dole (Clinton's build a bridge to the 21st century, rather than looking back at the 50's)
  4. Well, as far as the Keynesian approaches favored by most progressives, Kojak, that would be pretty simple: The Golden Age of Capitalism Back to the Future: the 50's baby. Who is the REGRESSIVE now.
  5. "coherent industrial policies, strong social welfare programs", etc don't create jobs. Tell us exactly, concretely what YOU advocate to reemploy or fully employ the un and underemployed, Prole. Where is YOUR track record of success, Prole? Tell us how your specific, concrete plans to reemploy the un and underemployed have been proven by history to actually work.
  6. Yeah, right, keep "thinking big" while the Titanic sinks.
  7. You must be a regressive corporate shill!! You and your ilk's risky Monte Carlo schemes! While I agree with that the cause of the recent downturn was due to the financial sector waving their arms around and stuffing their pockets while we suffered; we still have to deal with the outfall on the state and local scale. And I would much rather see structural changes made than having services cut back. Prole's example is a good one - how about we make some of the structural changes rather than cut the legs off of the underprivileged by eliminating their health care? You sound too reasonable. :-)
  8. You must be a regressive corporate shill!! You and your ilk's risky Monte Carlo schemes!
  9. He's too busy saving the world to tie in.
  10. What victory? Damn you ARE a dip shit. Try to pay attention.
  11. Tell them they can whine endlessly on the bullshit forum of a climbing website?
  12. He's not very industrious.
  13. LOLZ. Is this Nitrox? My sister would gut you like a fish.
  14. You should hike up more choss-piles.
  15. OK, this post is proof positive that j_b is actually a malicious web-bot.
  16. it's Spray on a climbing site - not "www.politicaldiatribe.com". Your flood of bullshit politics and expectation for serious discussion thereof, lack of any kind of humor, etc. evince your lack of a life.
  17. LOL. Last I checked dude, this is a climbing web site, not one to discuss politics. TR's are a hell of a lot more germane than political threads. Your complete obliviousness to this is your own problem. And I'll take one more "chosspile" TR over 1000 of your boring political cut-and-paste jobs, not to mention climbing 40 choss-piles are better than your lack of climbing anything ever. Now go lick sack.
  18. STFU and get a life dude.
  19. Tell us about the Poles. Are they industrious?
  20. Right back at you.
  21. It rings of something already (Schadenfreude). Anything and anything going bad in any form of capitalist or quasi-capitalist system seems to get you off, you sick little turd.
  22. Prole is such a good little fascist. Always on the lookout to find Untermenschen to serve him however they can.
  23. Too risky for you Prole?
  24. yes, loyal. that's the way j_b likes them.
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