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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Imbecility is apparent to even the most pedestrian of intellects.
  2. Most folks born in trailers have more dignity or worth than you.
  3. You're like a guy that farts continually in a stuck elevator. It's misery for everyone - but you, as you seem to enjoy inhalation of your own stench.
  4. *yawn* Keep talking about how smart you are. Really, it's convincing.
  5. Kind of like you and your postings.
  6. I doubt he has ever owned a Lexus or any luxury car, so you are talking out of your ass again.
  7. Wang dang sweet poontang?
  8. Thus, you can almost handle it? Actually, he can't handle it apparently and needs to find someone more qualified for the work than he. TTK - a notch or two below moron.
  9. One post and three self-follow-ups. Par for the course from our resident psychopath. Guess you're the only one "smart" enough to have a conversation with. Why bother posting here? Just start a blog and comment to yourself.
  10. "In 2008, some 634 military personnel were discharged for transgressing "don't ask, don't tell." That same year, 4,555 were discharged for failing to meet military weight standards." linky
  11. I'd wager yours are genetic.
  12. You can always count on a wannabe science-guy dropout to show everyone the big picture, eh TTK? Me, a genius? Um, no. But certainly smarter than you. No, FW, TTK is so clearly smarter than you, I, or, frankly, anyone here. If you don't believe it, ask him.
  13. :lmao: Hey, lard ball, tell us how smart you are again. Gosh, it's so fucking impressive!
  14. Yeah, but they got 300 mph trains! And, anyways, we have Gitmo. It's morally equivalent.
  15. Don't forget 3500+ (reported) executions--and the nearly 1 billion "other" (rural) citizens still living in abject poverty without so much as the right to vote. Gotta love it when 'tards like TTK go off on their China quests. Says a lot about their own dark places. Dude, China fucking rocks!
  16. China has great environment protection policies. Fuck yeah! Keep building shit - at any cost!
  17. Aruba would be more a propos for him.
  18. Prole is dreaming about the glorious 50's - the Golden Age of American Capitalism!
  19. Every Democrat in congress is in the top 1% of the income bracket. Just saying.
  20. How much do you charge for lessons? She'll gut you like a fish.
  21. Like the Guardian one about Berlusconi fucking a hooker in Putin's bed? It's good to be the king.
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