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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Damn you sobo! :-)
  2. Screw that. K-Mart. Pup-tent.
  3. The disgusting view of corporate America presented by the Apprentice is repugnant enough to make me consider joining Prole's Marxist ranks.
  4. feel free to enligthen me then - i've heard the term before but don't know much, other than that they're supposed to penetrate body-armor - what is such ammo, how is it different from other types, and why/why not shoudl it be banned? PM sent LOL Wouldn't want to post it on the forum... make yourself look even more stupid LOL
  5. We could hire the French to do it for us. :-)
  6. Newsflash for j_b: the Soviet-run Chornobyl plant has NOTHING to do with the French-style Nuclear power system.
  7. Gang-rape is always smart and funny, right? Democrat violent rhetoric = Smart and funny Republican violent rhetoric - Mui Mal! Exactly. What else would you expect from a sociopathological kook like ttk?
  8. "birds sociopaths of a feather"
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2008/09/19/2008-09-19_sandra_bernhard_issues_gang_rape_warning-2.html Sandra sounds like a real sociopath. She'd get along great with TTK.
  10. You forgot the most important point - she's a LOSER. And Americans don't like losers. She's as likely to win a presidential bid as Al Gore or John Kerry - two other recent losers.
  11. linky - don't tell choada boy
  12. what does drawing on the walls of caves or carving "Mother Goddess" figurines have to do with sustainment (food, shelter)? It's all relative, of course. Painting on a wall with charcoal requires signifigantly less effort than developing written language. True. I was thinking in terms of Native Americans - no written language, but definitely time for things like art, dance, oral traditions (passing down stories), etc. Filling in gaps between just getting food and shelter secured.
  13. what does drawing on the walls of caves or carving "Mother Goddess" figurines have to do with sustainment (food, shelter)?
  14. But they didn't do "nothing". Art, dance, chants, special celebrations... making war - all outside of the basics of survival. And none of these are "doing nothing".
  15. Nonsense. Our culture is hyper-reactive in the opposite direction.
  16. Translation: j_b likes being angry all the time... and it is righteous, baby!
  17. I don't know about that, but it's probably the case for Choada-Boy.
  18. Forget the new sig, I've found his new avatar:
  19. Apparently. And the new lap dog has been bitch-slapped more than once by bitch-tittie-boy. He must like it that way.
  20. He deserves (has earned in full) whatever fw wants to dish out.
  21. You've told us multiple times. Nobody is impressed. I must have impressed you enough for you to remember, girlfriend! You are repetitive enough that even Kevbone would remember it.
  22. You've told us multiple times. Nobody is impressed.
  23. Or numerous individuals engaging in dozens of acts of violence inspired by an identical mode of expression in the last three years. BTW, what should happen to these perpetrators, should they be found guilty in a court of law? Will they be excused by libtards for having a bad childhood, a genetic flaw, not enough hugs from Mommie, etc? Just curious, Prole.
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