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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. the basement?
  2. I do my best to kill the asshole. Several wipes, sometimes "wet ones". It can be hard sometimes. Damn cling-ons and all.
  3. j_bot, prole, et ali. Go f'n climb something. Report to us on Monday. MKTHNXBYE
  4. Now here's a little story I've got to tell About three bad brothers you know so well It started way back in history...
  5. Evidently you support the wars on Aghanistan and Iraq, and think killing children is OK. You probably voted for 30+ years of Bush/Reagan regressive policies too!
  6. But could you identify your ball field from a photo?
  7. I am a scientist. You know that, right?
  8. Yeah, that's EXACTLY what TTK thinks. TTK is a lot of things, but war-mongering imperialist is just one of them. In fact, he's been a fan of war-for-oil from the beginning. Yes, and he's a shill for the oil industry, a service goon, and a Bush-Reaganite fascistic thug.
  9. Yeah, that's EXACTLY what TTK thinks.
  10. We brought full glacier gear but never roped up. We climbed the route in late April.
  11. You're earning yourself a DEAD KID PIC (the new CARE BEAR), mister! Here comes the goon squad!
  12. The pejorative in question is not about YOUR private parts. You sure about that? LOLz
  13. Why do you hate science, j_bot?
  14. Congrats, Mark, and good luck! Keep climbing!
  15. Not to mention (most) all species of dog.
  16. something w/ little avy risk. i'll post a tr
  17. My personal fight is moving fat uphill, which I'll be doing in 24 hours. J_bot will have free reign to post on spray from his basement all weekend.
  18. Ironic, eh? A bot is against science.
  19. they are advertised. to kids! the children! you must be a service goon to not see this, retard.
  20. another one of your made up terms? 'service goon'?
  21. As long as there is adequate labeling!
  22. Here comes the goon squad!
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