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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. You're so full of shit. "Die in short order"? Yeah, they are dropping like flies. One bite of a dorito, and boom, they collapse in a pulsating mass of junk-food-toxin-induced spasms.
  2. Yes, we do have a great country. Do us all a favor and get the fuck out. Oh wait, you just love to whine incessantly. Whatever floats your boat, douche-boy.
  3. Good point. Evidently j_bot's ultimate goal is to make everyone as miserable as he is.
  4. I came out of it wanting a Cherry Pepsi... you need someting tasty to wash down those bugles
  5. The issue is not really your degree of acculturation but your failure to acknowledge that people's ability to feed themselves properly depends on many factors out of their control, which includes their being aware that it is possible and desirable. pray tell how you comprehend the mind of the fat man better than me, who ain't that far from the honorific anyhow? tvash is right, what the hell are you really proposing that is gong to sweep the scourge of fatties from the landscape? for 99% of human history, humans were dying far earlier than the fatties of today, who in addition to sucking down quarter-pounders their whole life are getting the joy of 3 billion tv channels at their fingertips and a fucking chia-pet to suck them off between repeats of hee-haw? seems like we're in the land of milk n' honey here, but you're saying maybe honey's horseshit? pass me some doritos, Ivan
  6. What would a positron look like?
  7. You already nailed it, Scro! Don't you remember? Our Most Cherished Freedoms? "We've made a choice" LMFAO! Exactly. People make choices and it's irrelevant if a Besserwisser like you doesn't like their choices. They don't care a whit for your opinions or social engineering projects. LYFAO all you want, assclown.
  8. Don't just tell Americans what to eat - tell them what is worth fighting for (and really important). Enlighten the sheeple, Prole! You go girl!
  9. You should head down to the local DQ and share your VISION FOR AMERICA to all those stupid sheeple ordering their Blizzards. Tell us how many converts you win. And bring j_bot with you.
  10. You should head down to the local DQ and share your VISION FOR AMERICA to all those stupid sheeple ordering their Blizzards. Tell us how many converts you win.
  11. Smells like Freedom to me too, broseph. I do not want any Marxists getting their grubby hands on those beacons of American liberty. Today, the sodium content in Blooming Onions, tomorrow the gas chambers... You against the masses, oh enlightened pinko. Yeah, fight that battle. I'll enjoy watching a 300 lb wildebeast sit on you and squash you like a bug.
  12. Do not drag the OCB into this, bro. OCB: where Walmart shoppers eat.
  13. they do that because they are being forced to. That's the kind of fake 'solution' you'll get from legal or gov't pressure. Kind of like Obama-care.
  14. Again, back to McD's. What about Taco Bell, Burger King, Jack in the Box, Denny's, Red Robin, Shari's, Old Country Buffet, Carl's Jr., Round Table, Dominos, Papa Murphy's... Fuck, do the math - all those franchises with all those restaurants. Americans love fast food, and they want it to be omni-present, 24/7, at convenience. We have made a choice, and it has nothing to do with greed, $$, or big-government neglect.
  15. FOAD, Mr. Panties-in-a-wad, pseudo-intellectual, thinly-veiled Marxist, living in a basement, POS.
  16. that is a significant minority. I was talking to a nurse today who said a study suggested ~25% of obese had no food abuse problem. Gotta love the diagram at my gym right by the ellipticals: It explains weight loss in pictures concluding "if calories burned exceed those consumed in a day, you lose weight". Wow, rocket science.
  17. That wins no argument. In fact that smacks of ad hominem. Oh noes!
  18. I called him a wingnut after he came out blowing steam about the goulag. He is a wingnut. it's an indication of their reliability. Is this your excuse? FAIL
  19. Forced excursions up Mt Si with water and rice cakes as nourishment?
  20. That's funny, 'cos you sure look like a thug in just about every "response" you crap out at your "interlocutors". Billcoe is hardly a spray and run guy. He'll engage you in a conversation if you try, but all you got is your tired, hackneyed, trademark insults (e.g. "wingnut"). BTW, challenging someones purported voting record does not win you an argument. Just an FYI.
  21. Billcoe voted for 'your guy' last time around j_bot. Oops!
  22. fucking coward still has only personal attacks. He now feels the need to smear my person several times a day out of context. Talk about whining/demented behavior, sheesh. Quick, call the waaaahmbulance!!!
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