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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. you're in your fifties?
  2. Drill, baby, drill!
  3. this sure beats j_bot rants/whining
  4. First you climb a 'big wall'...
  5. He's not playing.
  6. Shrooms? Weed?
  7. Maybe he grows or harvests them?
  8. interesting notion of spirituality you have. almost religious! immoral statement, true. spiritual? who knows. He came upon this revelation upon tapping into his consciousness. It's free, btw, and can be accessed by anyone! What is your mind-altering-drug-of-choice for tapping into to your consciousness?
  9. interesting notion of spirituality you have. almost religious! He came upon this revelation upon tapping into his consciousness. It's free, btw, and can be accessed by anyone!
  10. Misspelling of "poquito" and the signature would translate as "I am a man of few words." Yes OW, I know. :-)
  11. Another fact(free)toid easily dismissed by a trip to Ye Olde Google. TTK is smarter than you.
  12. It works for the j_bot!
  13. again, don't know what you're going on about. can't recall anyone saying "he's allowed to cheat". it's a game, everyone involved plays it, deal with it bob. or better yet, whine about it on the internet. hey dickhead!! lasT time i checked YOU were a human....you know , those things that are here to learn and mature...!! a bb can work for you if youre listening.... you make way more sense when you follow the advice of your autosig. in other words, can you follow it, please? WTF is "pokito"? Not so sure he makes "sense" period.
  14. Is that a 'big wall'?
  15. What about the GMO crisis? Wake up people!
  16. he'd be at a large negative number... Fixed that for ya, Rudy.
  17. Dude, there's a cycling crisis. WTF is the matter with you?
  19. A crisis! Another excuse for j_bot to get his panties in a bunch.
  20. Oh NOES! It's a *crisis*?!?!?!
  21. Or crunch your balls up into spandex for thousands of hours and lose your nuts. LOL
  22. bring back home ec. For all.
  23. Beans, rice, potatos. They are called *staples* - you know the base food. You add other ingredients for flavor and variety. Duh.
  24. Dried beans are hella cheap too. But shit, you have to boil them for 2 hours. Easier to head out to McD's.
  25. Canned and frozen veggies can be cheaper than fresh. Frozen is just as healthful. Carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, legumes, canned tomatoes, a chicken, or some ground sausage, beef, whatever. You can get a tasty meal for under $20-25 easy (the price of meals for 4 at McD's)
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