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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Easy there, Skeezix. It aint over yet and McCain said he's got Obama just where he wants him. Oops... Almost forgot the Lesson of Bush: Never underestimate the capacity of the American electorate to put an idiot in the White House.
  2. Fairweather needs to get it out of his system now, because in three weeks he's going to find out that he's been on the losing side all along, and his predictions of McCain by a landslide are going to blow up in his face.
  3. Skeezix

    The Debate

    maverick... maverick... maverick... maverick... Did I mention that he's a maverick? Well he is. A maverick, that is.
  4. Skeezix


  5. I'll take Friday, October 10. Announce Friday afternoon, and by Monday next maybe nobody will have noticed that the campaign signs say McCain/Lieberman.
  6. Skeezix

    McCain's VP

    The "GOP" is imploding! I love it. Hey Faaaaaiiiirrrrrweather...
  7. Fairweather's been around on cc.com for quite a while. He's in the minority (a conservative on cc.com), but he sticks up for his beliefs and generally keeps it civil and tries to be reasonable. Fairweather's a Republican, but he's OUR Republican, Goddammit. I think we should try to do a better job of keeping it light and stick to impassioned debates punctuated with witty jabs. Oops... I forgot. This is spray, isn't it?!
  8. Life is stranger than fiction. You couldn't make this stuff up.
  9. ...allowing the economy to be completely trashed on his watch. I have to hand it to Bush, he has taken the art of being the WORST PRESIDENT EVER to a high level. It will be hard to top him.
  10. Awesome. I've been lusting after this climb for 30 years. Thanks for sharing the excellent photos.
  11. Nice job, PVD... Sounds like a great adventure. It takes some huevos to venture into Terror Basin alone. Way to step out there!
  12. Fairweather has been pretty frequently and confidently predicting a McCain win on this board. I'm not quite as cocky as he is, but he'd better hope he's right, because if he's wrong, someone is likely to assemble all of his cocksure prognostications and throw them back in his face after the election results come in.
  13. Neighborhoods that are affected by the storm surge…and possibly entire coastal communities…will be inundated during the period of peak storm tide. Persons not heeding evacuation orders in single family one or two story homes face the possibility of death. Many residences of average construction directly on the coast will be destroyed. Widespread and devastating personal property damage is likely elsewhere. Vehicles left behind will likely be swept away. Numerous roads will be swamped…some may be washed away by the water. Entire flood prone coastal communities will be cutoff. Water levels may exceed 9 feet for more than a mile inland. Coastal residents in multi-story faciliities risk being cutoff. Conditions will be worsened by battering waves closer to the coast. Such waves will exacerbate property damage…with massive destruction of homes…including those of block construction. Damage from beach erosion could take years to repair. Persons who have not evacuated should plan to shelter in place in a well built structure during the period of tropical storm force winds. It is imperative that persons who live in mobile homes or poorly-built structures should evacuate to a safer location such as a well-built home. Persons who live in high rises should consider evacuating as winds can be as much as 20 to 30 mph stronger at the top of a high rise than at ground level. Structural damage will include the majority of mobile homes being severely damaged. Those that survive will be uninhabitable until repaired. Houses of poor to average construction will have major damage…including partial wall collapse and roofs being lifted off. Many will be uninhabitable. Well constructed houses will incur minor damage to shingles…siding…gutters…as well as blown out windows. up to one quarter of gabled roofs will fail. Partial roof failure is expected at industial parks…especially to those buildings with light weight steel and aluminum coverings. Older low rising apartment roofs may also be torn off…as well as receiving siding and shingle damage. Up to one quarter of all glass in high rise office buildings will be blown out. Airborne debris will cause damage…injury…and possible fatalities. Natural damage will include nearly all trees with rotting bases becoming uprooted or snapped, Nearly all large branches will snap. Between one quarter and one half of healthy small to medium sized trees will be snapped or uprooted…most common where the ground is saturated. Up to three quarters of newly planted ground crops will be damaged.
  14. "McCain and Palin will work to achieve energy independance, keeping our money out of the hands of our enemies abroad" I wonder who that would be? I think Republicans see a lot of countries as "our enemies." But Al-Quida's not a country ...is it?
  15. The fourth estate is having a proverbial field day. Perhaps the GOP should hold back a little bit and make 'em work for it. I don't think it should be so easy to be a journalist. What's really fun is listening to all the right wing spokespeople trying to spin all the bad news about McCain's VP pick. Sam Brownback used the word "excited" about twenty times in three sentences on NPR yesterday. He has "never been so excited" as he has been since it was announced that Palin was the VP pick. You couldn't make this stuff up.
  16. The republicans are shitting their pants today. All pleased with themselves for scoring a brief hit with their vp choice only to have it blow up in their faces within 48 hours. One has to have a defective brain to be a republican these days. They're just wrong on everything. Plus, they're so strange...
  17. Skeezix

    School's Starting!

    That's a great story Sobo --made my day!
  18. Skeezix

    Obama's Speech

    At least he can speak. That fact alone already puts him heads and shoulders above Bush. I'm just looking forward to having an intelligent president in the White House for a change. And Rush Limbaugh? He's a fat blowhard junkie.
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