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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Skeezix

    Your ideal town

    I liked Bellingham, but I got burned out on it. Port Angeles is geographically gifted: 17 miles from my back door to lift-served skiing, good fly fishing for steelhead, good hiking, good sailing in the harbor. No mall.
  2. C'mon, show some class.
  3. Anybody have any recommendations? I'm looking in the $2000-$2500 range. Would like to be able to carry a child on the back in a pinch. So far the Yamaha Vino 125 looks pretty good. More power than the equivalent-priced Honda (90cc). Also looking at the TNG Baja 150, which would enable me to ride on gravel roads.
  4. Skeezix

    RIP Les Schwab

    I love Les Schwab Tire Stores. Those guys know the meaning of service. Here's to you, Les Schwab ...and may you receive free beef in heaven!
  5. That crack right across from the entrance to Eight Mile Campground. Easy set up, close to the road.
  6. I planted lettuce, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, sweet peas, and basil so far. Oh... I've also got an apple tree set up for espalier! Uh-huh!
  7. I like Tuesday, May 1st. May Day. Wasn't one of Bush's campaign pledges that he would have an administration free of scandal due to ethical breaches?
  8. Skeezix


    Becky Brochenborough. Pronounced "broken bra" Diamond Jade Jewell Sundance Benjesdorf
  9. Rock climbing is to mountaineering as playing catch is to baseball.
  10. I once climbed with a guy that used a snowball for toilet paper. I tried it once, but it didn't work for me. All I got was brown water in my britches. Did not get the job done.
  11. Asked his part in the shooting, Mr. Glock can say: "I made the gun." I know, I know, guns don't shoot people; people shoot people. But that doesn't change the fact that Mr. Glock can say "I made the gun." And why can a guy that has been identified by mental health professionals as a crazy fucker walk into a gun shop and buy a handgun? He passed an instant background check. How can we close the gap that stands between the background check and the shooter's mental health history? That's complicated, but I think it's a central question following this tragedy. Does the NRA object to keeping guns out of the hands of people with a history of mental health issues? Or is that what the term "gun nut" implies?
  12. Skeezix


    Pure Food and Drug Act
  13. I guess I was wrong to think he'd go quickly. He has to take some time to make himself look like a complete fool first. I give him another two weeks.
  14. Skeezix

    As For Poets

    Green Grass Matt Affolter In the green grass sits a bug, Calm and quiet a bug sits, Under the bright yellow sun, With a green leaf overhead. Calm and quiet a bug sits, Thinking of days to come, With a green leaf overhead, The calm air against his back. Thinking of days to come, The bug sits, The calm air against his back, Sitting in the green grass. Sophomore, Bellingham High School 2001
  15. Well, I'm an overachiever in the marriage department. But thanks...
  16. Somebody tip me off when I've gone too far. I think I'm losing control... Ladykiller 1960 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, W Germany 1978 Ross Guard Station Party - Ross Lake ...1989? Survey of old bridge - Devil's Corner, N Cascades Highway ...1992?
  17. Oh, and I forgot this one... shot from Pavillion Campground with a 200mm lens:
  18. Man, this flatbed scanner has launched me into a nostalgia trip. I have to admit, I'm partial to black and white photography... Here's some more shots from Seneca circa 1979-80: Mark Sheek looking across Roy Gap at the Southern Pillar (This photo won the 1980 Earth Day Photo Contest at J Sargeant Reynolds Community College...) That'd be me ...27 years ago. I look, uh, different now. My buddy Mark pulling Shipley's Shivering Shimmy -- 5.8
  19. Mark Sheek on top of Seneca Rocks Seneca mountain porn
  20. I finally got a flatbed scanner, so here goes... Liberty Ridge 1983 Mark Sheek on Lieback Route, Raven's Roost, VA --1975 Your's truly on Bo Derek, Givler's Dome, Icicle Canyon @ 1979 Rigging a tyrolean from Rattlesnake Tower, Tumwater Canyon 1978 (Note US Army-issue "Greenline" rope) Lounging at Pavillion Campground, Seneca Rocks, WV 1978
  21. My brother graduated from Tech ...probably around '77 or '78. I grew up in Richmond and made quite a few weekend forays to Seneca. I'll try to find and post some pics. Need to get a scanner!
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