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Windows NT/2000: Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Paint Windows XP: Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Paint if you have a Mac I can't help ya.. I hear they suck for photos.
this shit is too funny. From Associated Press (via NWCN.com): TACOMA, Wash. - Republican leaders were happy to have a contender for state auditor when they accepted Will Baker as an eleventh-hour candidate. They didn't worry too much about who he was or how he spent his time - until they realized a considerable amount of his time was spent in jail. Baker, a 41-year-old roadside flower salesman and self-styled political activist, has been booked into the Pierce County Jail at least 19 times since 1992, mostly for disrupting city and county council meetings. Party leaders scrambled Friday to remove Baker as a candidate, days after naming him as the Republican choice to challenge popular state Auditor Brian Sonntag, a Democrat seeking a fourth term. State election officials denied the request. Such a move would require court action. "We didn't check him out," GOP chairman Chris Vance conceded Friday. "If I could, I would withdraw the letter putting him on the ballot as the Republican candidate - but it's too late." Baker has been arrested numerous times for refusing to stop speaking at Tacoma City Council and Pierce County Council meetings. In June, he was sentenced to six months in jail for behavior at three City Council meetings in September 2003, the Tacoma News Tribune reported Saturday. He was released June 24. He's got an October court hearing scheduled for a disorderly-conduct charge stemming from actions at another Pierce County Council meeting, Deputy Pierce County Prosecutor Kevin Benton told The Seattle Times. Baker declined to be interviewed by the Tribune, but when asked about his candidacy said, "No one's asked me to withdraw." When no Republican candidate emerged for the state office by the July 30 deadline, Vance said Baker called GOP leaders and volunteered. In haste, Vance and his staff accepted Baker on Tuesday as a committed volunteer without thoroughly examining his background. "He told us that he was a conservative activist and he was willing to run against Brian Sonntag," Vance said. "We did just a minimal amount of checking and saw that he had run as a Republican for secretary of state." The party wanted a Republican on the ballot, Vance said. With no other prospects and Friday's extended-filing deadline looming, he signed the letter naming Baker to the candidate list, and mailed it to the secretary of the state's elections division. It arrived in Olympia Thursday. Then Vance's staff took a closer look at Baker's proposed statement for the state voter's pamphlet, which says in part that "the number one issue in the 2004 State Auditor election ought to be the attempts by FBI agents to cover up the events surrounding Crystal Brame's murder." The statement makes several references to Tacoma Police Chief David Brame's fatal shooting of his wife and himself on April 26, 2003, and closes with a request that readers call the CBS news program "60 Minutes." "It was very unusual," said Vance. He said he wasn't sure the GOP would go to court to have Baker's name excluded from the ballot. "Obviously, we're not going to provide him any support," Vance said. Sonntag, a Pierce County resident familiar with Baker, said the situation illustrates flaws in the election filing process. "It really makes you wonder about the overtime week that the parties get," he said. "They can't recruit somebody in four years - four years and seven days gets you Will Baker."
must've been kids from the Mormon Student Union or some group like that...
here's another sticker I've always thought about making for my bumper: "I'm pro-bumpersticker, and I vote!" or maybe: "I'm pro-voting, and I have a bumper sticker!" basically I'm just sick of all the dumbass "blankity-blank and I vote" stickers. Who cares if you're pro-choice and you vote? who cares if you're fuckin pro-life and you vote? or pro-union? or pro-NRA? or pro-salmon? jeeeze ... I care that you vote, very good there, young lass or lad, you're a good citizen ... but I honestly don't give a shit what you, in particular, vote for. if you're gonna put a sticker on your car's ass, have it be something meaningful and/or funny, fer cryin out loud...
I've got three nieces -- ages 2, 4, and 6. Last April when I actually got to spend some time with them for once (two live in UK & one in Virginia), 4 year old Chloe said something kinda funny. I had been talking to 2-YO Sophia, and my toddler-speak must've sounded kinda stupid, cause Chloe all of a sudden says to me: "You don't KNOW babies, very well, DO you?" And so I said something like "hmm well no Chloe I guess I don't..." and I then thought to myself "... and thank god for that!!!!!" Yeah I like kids and all and who knows I may even (god help me) have some of my own some day... but I really don't care for them them until they're old enuf to actually have a personality. When they're in the infant/toddler stage they're basically like larva who just eat and shit and sleep all the time... seem like they're more trouble than they're worth. Anyway, Chloe is just starting to have a personality... seems like she might grow up to be a sassy little lassie.
werd. cool pics. 4 nites on Snow Dome.... you crazy sonza bitchez!!! wow. climbed Olympus on 4th of July weekend, 2001. MHANN I wanna go there again. some day...
y'know JoshK, for a liberal you seem to have a strangely acute appetite for censorship. Didn't you also once ask the mods to ban Martlet, fairly early on in his brief CC.com posting career? As it happened, he eventually did get banned, and I didn't miss his dipshit ass one bit. I think few people missed him. But at the time, I didn't think he was saying anything worth banning him for. I'm with Greg, Josh. you DO seem like a whiny little bitch when you say shit like this.
actually believe it or not, these things DO exist... my current situation IS most of what I'm looking for... 1 BR basement apt. for 550 ... in Wallingford about 3 blocks from I-5. Only problem is that the landlords, who live upstairs, are doing this remodel job on their apartment which in my opinion is (A) impacting my apartment, and the backyard, way more than it needs to and (B) taking WAY longer than it needs to. So anyway, it fulfills all but item 4, above.. the back yard/patio is barely usable as such, cuz it looks like fuckin Bosnia what with concrete chunks and lumber scraps and other shizzy everywhere; has been like that for three months now and prolly will be for god knows how much longer. And with the noise/TV issue... wouldn't mind a place with slightly more flexible "noise hours". I dunno tho... thanks for the reminder/perspective, TLG. maybe I got it better'n I think.. should count my blessings.
caption for the Secret Service guy on the right: "Sigh... look at all these poor, deluded fools... they actually think this joker has something worthwhile to offer the country." hey Stonehead, who is that in that new avatar.. Sam Kinnison? man, now there's someone I haven't thought about in a while. funny how someone can annoy you when they're alive and doing their thing, but then when they're gone yer like "y'know, he was actally kinda funny... kinda miss him".
Looking for studio or 1 BR apt... hopefully within house... hopefully with neighbors who don't mind occasional loud music/teevee ... My only "absolute musts": 1) $600 max (better yet 550) + utilities 2) onsite washer/dryer 3) easy, quick access to an I-5 exit in Seattle (anything from like 85th St in the north end to Albro/Michigan in south end would work) 4) some type of backyard/deck/patio, however small... basically anything big enough for BBQ and a couple chairs. (Might even consider a room in a group-house with cool climber/biker cats... but for the most part am looking to keep living solo.) any tips/info/advice much appreciated!!
yeh no shit. and one more that I forgot: "Stop Continental Drift" and one more that I keep meaning to make: "Subvert the Dominant Cliche"
the first time I used one of them things I was confused and also just a little dismayed that they were called "moondance"... I'd always thought of them more as "dancing cream puffs".
about the Dose road.. personally I'd like to see it reopened. I'm all for roadless areas and all, but let's face it, the Olympic range, even before the Dose road was shortened, was by far the biggest roadless area in this state (I think... right? anyone have the hard numbers on this?), simply cause of the fact that there's no roads crossing the range. I think they should sooner rebuild the Dose road than any road in the Cascades with a similar level of pre-washout usage. I guess I have a sort of sentimental attachment to the Dose valley cuz it was the second trailhead I ever experienced in WA State. in 1990, fresh outta high school, me and a buddy were travelling around the country seeking fame and fortune and eagles and ancient trees (erm, well, mostly the eagles and trees!) and the first hike we did here was a loop that went up the North Fork Skok and then down the Dosewallips. even tho it was August, we got rained on like hell for the last part of the 3-day hike, and MAN was it good to finally get to the little one-horse ranger station at the Dose trailhead. and despite that cold, relentless August rain storm, them woods and mountains capivated me heart and mind enough to affect my choice of college, and three years later I was living in Olympia. yep, Fairweather Sailboi et.al., I'm a transplant from one of the East Coast cities which you seem to love-to-hate. and I got a message for you and all your xenophobic kiin: this land is you land... this land is also my land... this land is also johndavidjr's land... this land is also JoshK's land... this land... er, you get the idea.
I beg to differ, Matt. Don't have the stats to back this up, but I think hiking and climbing has gotten a LOT more popular in the last 25 yrs. I'd suspect that what you mention about changes in usage of that Teton (Tieton?) place is the exception & not the rule... less people may be going there but a lot more are going everywhere else. And even if there isn't a higher per-capita hiking/climbing population now ... the nation and the planet is a lot more crowded than it was 25 yrs ago, and that's gonna make for a lot more recreationists ... AND non-recreationists.
I'd always WONDERED what you were supposed to do with them things!! lots of other funny stuff on that site too ... J.Lo butt game, Ronald Reagan tribute, etc.
(and that's, uh, BEFORE i even opened this thread to see what it was all about....) sheesh...
some of mine are: jesus is coming, look busy the moral majority is neither honk if you are elvis make christ your steering wheel, not just your spare tire question reality keep honking, i'm reloading my kid can beat up your honor student don't laugh -- your daughter may be in here re-elect gore in 2004 am actually thinking about sticking that last one on my bumper this summer/fall; would be the first time in like 10 years i've sported a bumper sticker.... but nahhh, i think i won't; not matter how much i like em, i'd rather just keep em off my bumper... stay anonymous.
anyone seen that ad for some kind of Atkins low-carb-energy-bar or something where there's this guy doing a big-wall climb and there's a full salad bar anchored into the wall? the caption goes something like "Atkins.. because you can never find this [salad bar] here [big wall]." that's gotta be one of the most retarded ads for any product I've ever seen. because let's face it, for climbers or other athletes who do sports which burn 1000s upon 1000s of calories, or, for that matter, for anyone who does ANYthing with their free time besides watch teevee, carbs are (HELLO!) not something to be worried about.
.... the one good thing about Mondays especially when it's the 'toe of a current or future "First Daughter"!!
sounds like stuff Dave Barry would dream up.
That's fucking classic. "Jiggle twins." That's better than "fun bags." i've always liked the Gollum-speak term "breastsesses"
I don't care HOW it comes off, hell I will take it off .... muff...you rock!!!!