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Everything posted by Mos_Chillin

  1. pm sent
  2. I am on my way! See you gapers there!
  3. worse than ?
  4. Meds? Welcome back! E
  5. 2 kegs of TG beer (one is IPA!), 19 people. Good thing I have been training for this for 50 weeks.
  6. That Ivan and Choada Boy are high school teachers.
  7. Now I know he is a real Alaskan Not many in the lower 48 have partaken in the Matanuskan
  8. OK, I am bringing my oversized generator yet again. We got 200' of cord this time, so it s/b ok. Tarps, people, we need some!
  9. ... ... ... ... ... ... ....and mimes! Them guys scare me...
  10. That people eat molasses, and what the manufacturers do with the rest of the mole.
  11. Good job Guys. Rolf looks happier than usual!
  12. Mad gumnut sybian blender skillz.
  13. Good call. You are way too big of an ass. Glutemus? Anyone?
  14. Talk to PeterPuget, he can help you with linking!
  15. and you just chew on the arete for a quick caffeine fix if you get tired!
  16. Sweet! When i was working for EP, we used a grinder to roughen the edges of the framing, then filled and shaped with bondo, then the "crystal" (basically epoxy/fine sand mix) would bond permanently to the roughened wood and to the bondo (being a porous epoxy when it dries accepts an epoxy finish well). The mixture can be slippery if you do not add enough sand, but can deteriorate by being unstable if too much sand is added. Experiment with small sections to find your mix ratio (varies with grain size). This was for indoor application only, so as Ketch says, outdoor stuff responds differently.
  17. Yes, Peter. You say you give up. But I don't believe you, Peter. Why? You might ask. Because, Peter, linking is something you will never abandon.
  18. I am pretty sure I am meeting Ketch in Burlington to pick up all equipment on Friday, including generator, screen and projector. Someone bring a white sheet anyway? In case the screen is too small or sumpin? Edit: So, I am driving cuz I gotta haul the beast generator, unless someone else has a compact one we can borrow? Blake! You gotta pick up the projector, screen and stuff from Ketch! Oh, and I am looking for a climbing partner, too. Although those old chestnuts you dragged out don't sound so appealing, Blake. Maybe another climb on SCW? Maryjane or something? Edit:Looks like Matt and I are going to SCW saturday, anyone up for some .10ish, maybe .11 stuff on Sunday?
  19. Man, the last SnugClub was the best, Wayne showed us all the micro -Pickets, aka the fireplace traverse
  20. Yeah, the fondue dipping was great. I was confused by the lack of melted cheeses...for a while.
  21. See! He could be the Korean Vanilla Ice! It would sooo improve his social compatability! KJ Ill inna house!
  22. hey kevbone
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