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Everything posted by Mos_Chillin

  1. but who makes better lovers?
  2. "My psychiatrist tells me I have a tendency to bolt." O-O-o-o-o--
  3. Modern version of "The Fly", except she wears a black ipod into the transporter
  4. Nice TR and pics!
  5. I started to consider if there was a correlation between RD's fixation on midgets and bolts, but then realized I really didn't want to know.
  6. Been done, Boulder late '80's Nothing gets by you, does it Bill?
  7. As you get older, you become thankful for every day you wake up and are not that person. As Matt says, kudos to Ketch for above and beyond! Blake, I have your NZ slideshow disc. The iconoclast that is Beck made an appearance, rode his bike from Skykomish for the event...good to see him replentishing before the trip back! You all are so beautiful, Man.
  8. Cuz its a powerful strong feeling.
  9. Mos_Chillin

    Freds emaiil

    Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
  10. Mos_Chillin

    Freds emaiil

    Someone just dropped a big hint!
  11. SuperSpam: Food, energy drink and 8.0% alcohol!
  12. Mos_Chillin


    Glad I haven't needed that information, although you could slather a sweet bouffant, I am sure Any mayonnaise reference is going to bring out the sperm posters, BTW
  13. That was stupid. God this forum needs to die.
  14. That sucks, but we all knew it was coming. I hope they work something out, access is funky there given the amount of private land and lack of parking...
  15. That sucks, Lammy. Sorry to hear about your Bro. To lost friends.
  16. The wire brush is only for moss removal. You are more patient and carry more brushes than I if you do that with a poly bristle. But you are right, I use the poly for the final cleaning.
  17. You're one of the good ones, Sherri.
  18. Mom?
  19. Nut Zippers
  20. Join the club. Nice to know I am not the only one. Cracker-ass And in case the *ignore* feature is not reciprocated: FU H2, and Fairwether 2
  21. Hey!Hey!Hey! GIVING A FUCK, HERE, PAL. Who's become Mister Save-the-world, Mister ex -"I love Pussy but not the bitch it is attached to." I say you are still sheep-fucking clownpunch.
  22. Question #1: Testing flakes beyond my #170 weight limit Question #2: Gneiss, 5-7 bolts per bit at 1/2" X 3-1/2"
  23. Pope's Secret Vacation Package
  24. Free Beer
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