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Everything posted by Mos_Chillin

  1. It's all about redundancy wherever you can gain it, as Pope pointed out.
  2. Belay loops seem to be indicative of irregular tensioning. Belays are rarely body weight ( I hope one is not using said loop for anchoring as well), except during falls. Rappels wear harder due to constant weighting, I guess it seems. That was my line of reasoning, anyway. BTW, My "rap" loops (harness connection pointS) would be safer because there would be two, contrary to your quote.
  3. I hate people who hate people.
  4. I had the ice bath like that guy I got chicken pox on my 32nd birthday and when my temp hit 110, into the tub I went. Unwillingly, I can assure you. It worked, I am here today to tell you! But I haven't watched the movie since....
  5. I never used those loops for rappelling, I just always figured there was a reason they were called "belay loops", not "rappel loops", so I followed the specification. Not to point any fingers, just a long-time observation. BTW, he's a guide.
  6. Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart
  7. Sehome Hill Click on topos, then Washington for .pdf file I didn't know there was so much! NOTE TO CLIMBERS: This is sandstone and becomes friable when wet! Please allow rock to dry for 24 hours after precipitation before climbing!
  8. Not hot, fooz. Bizarre!!! The tenant, the audition. Both good. Don't forget Jacob's Ladder!!!
  9. I like that one
  10. tHE sCIENCE oF sLEEP
  11. As much fun as we have with the Mounties/Mazamas/BOALPS, everyone has their own level of acceptable risk. In some sense, by belittling it, we make that not OK. Which kind of sucks.
  12. You're one of the good ones, Man.
  13. Bush Is Listening! Use Big Words!
  14. East Coast peeps will think it's DC, gotta be more regional. We all are Metronauts!
  15. Across the street from our shop there is a motorcycle repair place called "Cycle Therapy"
  16. That is Noddereal picture,BTW.
  17. Mos_Chillin


  18. Yes! Just blast out there and do what the voices in your head tell you to Besides, opinions just confuse us simple folk
  19. Mos_Chillin


    Raindawg might be interested in this spelling
  20. Mos_Chillin


    I meant it as a verb, as in: "You bloated sack of protoplasm! You worfed on the sofa again!"
  21. Next time you're in my office, I am taking you out with my pen gun
  22. But these are:
  23. Mos_Chillin


    worf! I tell you!
  24. Be my Netflix, please.
  25. Man, if that is true, that really sucks. I hung out with him at Hueco a fair bit in the 90's and he is/was a great guy. RIP
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