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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I'd get the Canon S500 Powershot. Super small, and 5 megapixel. I have a S400 right now, and had the S200 before it. All have been great cameras for me. Oh ya...I forgot to mention the panorama function of the camera (works with a program called 'Photostitch' that comes with the camera. Example of a panorama I took with the S400.
  2. Oil as a natural inorganic product. Interest article...interesting people backing the idea....
  3. That is because they get the facts from this board. Consider yourself lucky to know about this site!
  4. olyclimber


    Fake pizza conspiracy.
  5. Interesting, the announcement of those possible terror attacks. I'm not saying that they aren't based on actual information, but they will certainly allow "additional security" to keep protesters away from the RNC (and the DNC) as well as the G8 in Georgia. Tinfoil, anyone?
  6. olyclimber


    drip drip
  7. olyclimber


    Is this what you call a 'Dannyism'?
  8. Here in Seattle the weather is very pleasant right now, if you are a fish.
  9. olyclimber


    You guys are truly special individuals that deserve only the highest regard. I want to congratulate you on being you, because no one else can do it as well. Truly and sincerely, I hope the rest of your day is fantastic. I Googled "Terrific person" and you came up as the #1 hit! Please do not stop being you, the world needs more like you! You .
  10. olyclimber


    From what I've heard, you'll also have to contend with traffic jams on that trail...
  11. olyclimber


    Clippy can join Bob in hell...
  12. olyclimber


    Did he bring his dog with him?
  13. wanna be hippie: Trustafarian
  14. I think Richard and Gene Simmons would make an excellent ultimate cage fighting tag team.
  15. It is an exposed south slope, so you can't expect that the snow pack is going to last that long. I don't know though...my previous trips have always been later in the year.
  16. I hope you don't show them the elephant's trunk!
  17. ...? You gotta love scoring a petty little page top on a serious political argument.
  18. Well....it does have those sexy suicide doors.
  19. There are all sorts of common words that today have pejorative connotations. Example: 'liberal'.
  20. Asthetically, the Element is just fricken stupid looking. But I do like way it is laid out inside. No carpeting, all rubber mats. Totally functional. The seats back seats come out and it is flat so you can comfortably sleep in it. Even has a plug for your MP3 player. Too bad it is so dumb looking.
  21. The title of this thread reminds me of the last shithead who panhandled me. He politely asked me for some money, I said "no, I don't have any to give you"....and then he started verbally abusing me. I assume he was just insane, so I laughed at him and walked off...but this has happened to me more than once. Usually it is the 'Ave Rat' sort.
  22. I would like a nice 20 acre riverside plot on the Dose. I want in on the conspiracy.
  23. Only thing is, how long will they have LA for. My guess is a year, max. You have to think about the Postal Team's chances after Lance. If I were that team, I'd insist on a 5 year contract or something...
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