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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Is this what you found?
  2. olyclimber

    Baby Smash!!

    Unless his little bones develop at the same rate, he is going to have the same problems that steriod using atheletes have: their bodies fall apart because they can't take what the stress that the excessive muscles are dishing out. Also, it will be interesting to see this kid is like when he is older...
  3. Wonder Twin Powers Unite! Form of -a
  4. olyclimber

    Natty Dreads

    Check out the dreadlocks on this guy: story
  5. Very nice! This is my favorite bit: Thanks for posting!
  6. Hey Gotterdam rung, what do you have against Burt Reynolds?
  7. What a story. Thanks for posting, glad you didn't become another "news item"...
  8. olyclimber

    Tongass Action

    Paul RIP.
  9. olyclimber

    Tongass Action

  10. Climb: Mt. Rainier-DC Date of Climb: 6/18/2004 Trip Report: The Big Balla, Sherpa Oscar, and myself hiked up to the top of Rainier via the DC route last week. Some pics: More pics if you're interested here.... Saw 'HappyCamper' in the parking lot, going for a single push climb. Congrats you guys on your climb! Gear Notes: Rope, crampons (I had equipment "issues" with my Black Diamond strap ons) Approach Notes: as mentioned, trench to the top is in. Great to run into a couple of CCers in the parking lot on the way out!
  11. My helmet was hungry for a second trip up, so it worked out well. Skis or a snowboard at Muir works out great.
  12. olyclimber

    Tongass Action

    Famous Paul Tsongas qoutes: "Let's try winning and see what it feels like. If we don't like it, we can go back to our traditions. " "Nobody on his deathbed ever said, "I wish I had spent more time at the office." " "That's a good question. Let me try to evade you"
  13. A.D.I.D.A.S = All Day I Dream About Sending
  14. I admit that I have become powerless and my life is unmanagable. Now which addiction are we talking about here?
  15. I was looking up what 'gotterdamerung' is about and I found this neat picture:
  16. Sweet. More Chinese products coming your way (if they weren't made there already)!
  17. olyclimber

    spray blows

    Does your life blow? Or does it suck? Do ya need a T-shirt? Try www.cafeshops.com/alpinist we've got what you need, and a little you don't. thank you for allow progressive to post.
  18. Thanks for posting Mark. I think I can speak for most the people on this board in that our thoughts were with you and Jon up there on the mountain, and continue to be with Jon's family. Even though it was a fluke accident, knowing what really happened makes us all better climbers.
  19. Who owns or has used a split board, and how do you like it? Who makes the bestest one? I'm thinking about picking one of these up this summer if I can find a deal on one.
  20. Wrong again, thank you for playing. The Greatest Dog in the World title belongs to Caddis, the recording setting speed climbing dog.
  21. Here is the scoop, a reply from a post I put on the Vertical World message board by the Site Admin: "It is true that Vertical World is putting a new gym in at the old Ranier Brewery. It will be a small gym in comparison to Magnolia but it will have a new style of climbing wall that will be more sculpted than the panel system, with plenty of t-nuts. The gym will be open sometime in late fall."
  22. It's about time you showed up.
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