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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Au contraire! I am deeply offended by you and the post you rode in on. I want to thank you for being a friend. for being a friend.
  2. I know this is recycled...but it makes a good contest....
  3. Knock'm out the box! I was gonna make a donutation too! Hey where are my stickers! I'm a victim!
  4. Smart, and literate! We need to make the pie higher!
  5. This is so 1992, but download this and trip.
  6. you Fockers by posting this link.
  7. Hey, I'm a paying member, and I can't seem to find the photo gallery. Is it only for non-paying members? What sort of a member do I have to be to see this gallery?
  8. About fucking time someone smelled the coffee and brought this up. Hello!
  9. So....Santa is your parents? Please tell them I want something else besides rocks and sticks in my stocking this year.
  10. Hey the carousel is now operational in downtown Seattle at the Westlake Center. Time to go renew!
  11. Fox designing the henhouse.
  12. Dru, your link is amusing, but why would a public school teacher have any more right to present a gay lifestyle than she would creationism? This is where your side runs into a wall. The same liberals who scream bloody murder at the thought of creationism being taught in schools are the same ones who want to push homosexual doctrine on 3rd graders and cite fictitious statistics about 10% of the population being gay. Maybe if you kept your agenda out of public schools, the religious right would be more inclined to moderate their own as it relates to education. Maybe they would even stop pulling their kids out of public schools! Sooo.... if Dru keeps his agenda out of public schools then the right wing freaks will keep their claws out too? Done deal. Dru!
  13. Have you noticed, people are still having sex. Wasn't there a song about this back in the 90s?
  14. Step into the thrill zone.
  15. olyclimber

    America !!

  16. Read and weep
  17. And the tounge
  18. Simply a "must have":
  19. American goods are anti-American! Outsourcing is where its at.
  20. Damn! That is a lot of miles. My Lesbaru I bought used a long time ago (over 11 years ago) and it is still going strong. It is gutless, but has worked for me dependably for 11 years in all weather conditions. It is still going strong. But...I haven't put 2000,0000,000 miles on it either.
  21. If you to need to continue the conversation, just use the search function to look up pretty much any post by Trask...and then apply it to yourself. Have a good time!
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