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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i thought you'd never say this...
  2. say oops upside your head
  3. fuck you you fucking fuck
  4. I'm posting as olympia climber!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!
  5. Has anyone here successfully used Tony Robbins methodology to improve their climbing? An anchor is a created associated.
  6. olyclimber


    This is first rate, quality Archenemy spray. An artform, really.
  7. there is a video on the site you can download that give a pretty good view of the mountain Heli flight
  8. clothing, etc.
  9. BTW, you pegged me.
  10. thats it Gary! Rage!
  11. i'll be saying "i told you so" when living primitively suddenly suddenly comes into vogue, and we do away with these modern conveniences.
  12. its about time. sometimes the junior high route is the only way.
  13. The link above has a english version. just click on "english" near the top left. A recent dispatch: "Dear Slovenians, It's nice to hear you're writting to me and my friends from base camp keep forwarding those messages to me - many of you would like to help, to donate money. I'm thankful for every warm thought, and fist clenching. Yesterday, they read me an e-mail sent by a little girl, who is praying for my safe retun from the mountain. And I had an idea, as we are all united here as brothers and not foes, therefore I hearby address this appeal to you, to finally remove this sin from our chests and build the paediatric clinic. My friends will open a transparent account, where all transactions will be traced and visible, so we can see how much money we will be able to raise, for our children's better future. Let's build the clinic, let's open our hearts and hands, I'm glad we're are all as one again - united. Thank you again for being with me with heart and soul, it gives me confidence and the idea of being united keeps me warm. Another night awaits me. I'll be freezing, and I haven't eaten in days ... But let's do this and make it happen - I'm already grateful for our children's better tomorrow. Thank you. by Tomaž Humar, mountaineer"
  14. I just read it for the articles, I don't look pictures.
  15. And you said you'd call me afterwards!!!
  16. and explains why I keep copies of the National Geographic under my mattress.
  17. without violence, this really isn't doing it for me.
  18. what the hell got into you?
  19. olyclimber

    Hey, Pax!

    I just deleted the library of congress.
  20. olyclimber

    Hey, Pax!

  21. debauchery. so, amazingly enough, we're on topic.
  22. Clearly a UPS worker.
  23. My inanometer just went to eleven! Impressive!
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