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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I was went a to a concert last night, and there were these women walking around with yard sticks. Seems like women are getting more and more direct these days.
  2. Actually, its "nice beak" that you hear all the time. You might want to clean out your ears.
  3. Perhaps we should have Paula Abdul grading all climbs independantly, from now on.
  4. Your use of the 4 point scale, on a scale of 3 to 8.5 is a 7.4. But the effortless style requires a different measure, because style is something quite a apart from the appropriate use of a scaling system. The amazing ease, the look, everthing has come together for you.
  5. Could this be the "You're all gonna die" guy from Stuart? Pretty amazing.
  6. it was just a troll post you steel headed freak. I even included a mispelled word.
  7. This confirms that this site if officially all sprayed out.
  8. Spraying on the Climber Board is a gateway drug.
  9. your effort at grading is a B+. Keep up the good work.
  10. once you're tried shorts with a chamois you'll never go back
  11. No, I just do it for the sheer enjoyment. I don't time or rate my spray. Your post, however is an S4.7B+E. Your daring reference gives it the + rating, but the E is for your noted lack of passion even though you use the word "passion". the peanut gallery sends its regards.
  12. And what is the speed record for doing the Enchantments loop trail? Inquiring minds want to know.
  13. Awesome pictures Mike. Great trip report and climb. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  14. Beautiful. thanks.
  15. I thought that sounded familiar. That place and Mondo Coffee are instuitions for me there.
  16. Thanks for posting your video. Tim and Jon take notice! The new board should embrace video as another medium beyond text and photos for doing trip reports. True, its a lot a disk space, but just something to think about.
  17. A contest implies a winner. And everyone know that I have that all wrapped up. But even so, good idea. Clown Puncher's Rodeo 2005. Lets see some designs.
  18. Ya! and what about those FUCKIN ATLANTIC SALMON! this world is going to hell in a hand basket.
  19. olyclimber


    Hey! F'off! I just went belaying the other day! I belay'd a friggen 5.9. How does that grab ya?
  20. olyclimber


    There has already been one or two threads spawned off of Mike & Co's most awesome and amazing traverse, but I'm interested in everyones regard of what a Grade "X" is. Sure, for some people it is just is # of nights. But it seems to me there should be a measure of commitment. If it isn't Grade "X", then what is it? Commitment meaning there is no easy way to bail half way through the climb. Or 1/3 or 1/4. You do or die. I'm not bagging on what Layton and Co have done. I agree, if you wanna down grade it, go climb it. But I'm just wondering if "Grade "X" is not about commitment, then what is? Do we need a new rating? I'm not talking about getting married either. Spray on, bitches.
  21. Who the hell is Pearl Jam? Sounds disgusting.
  22. Damn it Mike! Was is a animal, a man, or a woman? I need to know for my scrapbook.
  23. Keep him in front of ya, at least you know where he is at.
  24. The Linkmaster General! OMFG! LMAO!
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