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Everything posted by olyclimber

  2. olyclimber


  3. Just wait till the day the Queen of England knights him. Then he'll be the cock of the walk.
  4. SWEET! Did he cry at any point during the climb?
  5. well aren't you a bit touchy.
  6. Yes. Dune was written in/around 1964...I believe Lyndon B. was president...not W.
  7. he pulled it out of his arse.
  8. What you're doing right now.
  9. Are those there to feed the giant snake in the cage with them?
  10. Dead puppies aren't much fun they don't bark and they don't run
  11. olyclimber

    mana from the sky

    the gods must be crazy
  12. I'm really not that pushy, though cook might disagree. I have no idea why I asked the question twice.
  13. http://www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/scizone/games/sextest/
  14. I can't believe you guys talk about God in the workplace. Seems like its inviting trouble.
  15. I believed blindly at such times that by some miracle, by some external circumstance, all this would suddenly open out, expand; that suddenly a vista of suitable activity -- beneficent, good, and, above all, ready made (what sort of activity I had no idea, but the great thing was that it should be all ready for me) -- would rise up before me -- and I should come out into the light of day, almost riding a white horse and crowned with laurel.
  16. olyclimber


    You ever had a girl and met her on a nice hello You get her name and number and then you feelin' real mellow You get home, wait a day, she's what you wanna know about Then you call up and it's her girlfriend or her cousin's house It's not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the T It's just her boyfriend's at her house (Boy, that's what is scary)
  17. Yes, a cute little baby orange tree. You'll love it and call it your own.
  18. Have any pictures to share?
  19. Nice job. Have any pictures to share?
  20. Stone Ponds Traverse= Lower Lena>Upper Lena>Mt. Stone>Lake of the Angels>Putvin trail or reverse of that... my little bro and I did it a couple of years ago, entering via the Putvin trail and exiting via Lower Lena. Its pretty fun. There are faint trails along parts you can follow, but it is easy to lose them...which we did. We did it in one long day, climbing Mt. Stone. We found someone willing to gives a ride back up to our car at the Putvin trailhead.
  21. Spray is a lab for conducting experiments.
  22. All you silverbacks take notice! I'm going to conducting an anthropological study on your habits. Please act normally, I'm sure that the Heisenburg Uncertainly Principal will be disapproven as an artifact of my work. I may post my results when I'm done, if it is interesting at all.
  23. olyclimber

    human zoo

  24. olyclimber


    Lets take it to the next level.
  25. Actually, I've always thought that JayB has had some of the better formed arguments on this board. Not that I agree with it all, or care to engage in a serious argument in this venue, but....
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