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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Hey Chirp

    Thats cheap for a house. How many square feet?
  2. This is a great thread. What else has already been posted? let me see what I can dig up.
  3. Archenemy is getting married???!!!
  4. olyclimber

    i love you

    lip my stocking
  5. you know...underwear...that type of stuff. Ok, they're called Private Topics. But that's essentially what it is...a private thread that others can't view.
  6. but mine will be full within 1/2 hour. how many Private Threads are you going to allow on the new board?
  7. minx, Blake is only teasing you. I'll admit there was some initial concern, but once the campground hosts assured of getting another groupsite and the keg was tapped Friday night, I don't think anyone cared. it wasn't a big deal at all. in fact, I think it worked out better, because we surely could have had a few arrests if we stayed in the hosted 8 Mile groupsite.
  8. Climb: Chatter Creek and Cashmere Dream Destination Date of Climb: 10/1-2 Trip Report: Lets see here. Ropeup at Bridge Creek...no... I mean Chatter Creek. Whatever. Its all there..... We climbed up in the Sam Hill area after getting rained off Careno Crags on Saturday, as I recall....and yes....it was Ropeup. I'm pretty sure. Some slideshows or something..... And beer...lots of beer. And scotch. And moonshine. And Canadian Club. And... Sunday it was raining up in Leavenworth, so we drove up to a secret destination climbing area that AlpineDave knew about. It was everything he promised and more. I shot the gun while AlpineDave warmed up for the big send out at this hot new mecca near Cashmere. Ya, thats what happened..... There were some tense moments, so I kept a tight belay. Climbing was amazing. The shooting pretty good too. ....then we started drinking.... ....the team... ....pimp.... Gear Notes: Satellite radio tuned to hard core gangsta beats (damn it feels good!), gun, camping chairs, quick draws, beer, tirlit paper,2 day old burritos Approach Notes: Beware of a pack of dogs of all shapes and sizes, many with dreadlocks. They have no fear of cars, and will lay down under your wheel. Whatever happens, just don't get out of your car! You're out of the danger area right after you can't see any more of the 200+ junk cars laying about. Then just keep your eye out for some really good climbing. Just keep driving till you get there. Notice how AlpineDave managed to work his way into every one of these pictures. What a glory hound!
  9. On Sunday AlpineDave, Alpinfox, Andrew (hey, triple A!), and myself went to a destination climbing area near Cashmere. Will do a full TR sometime later.
  10. ya, thats pretty much all the fixen's for a good time.
  11. damn, with ducking the attempted suckle and losing his pants, it sounds like Craig had a busy night. he must have been a VIP of the Club.
  12. wow, that was good timing with the licking. I hope Suckbm at least enjoyed the drive to Drunkup.
  13. woohoo!
  14. Also: Gary for the slide projectors and screen Distel32, Ken4ord, TimL, and a cc.comer that wishes to remain anonymous for pictures from around the world.
  15. http://www.bearinfo.org/observations.htm they're giving a talk at REI with proof about Grizzlies in the NCNP, the new Smith Guide, and the sweet Renton granite crag.
  16. Welcome to the Year 2000.
  17. AlpineDave, Alpinfox, Andrew, and I drank it for breakfast.
  18. Anyone know who left that box of Corona?
  19. They're seconds...but they have 16 and 19mm Turbo screws for $20.
  20. its hard to lose something that you never had in the first place
  21. olyclimber


    mayo is the new gu
  22. No kidding MisterE. Thanks to: Slide Show players: +AlpineK-Combatant/Yose +MisterE- Mox +Jens and Cascadeclimber-J-burg +Colin-Nanga Parbat Thanks to them we got to see (well, those that weren't distracted by other displays) some slides from some of the best climbs in the past year. Thanks once again to Steve at Terminal Gravity. Steve not only donated a whole keg of awesome beer, but he financed another one and the tap rentals for us. That guy is awesome...go drink a bunch of his beer. Thanks to CC.com (Jon, Tim, etc) who provided us with free beer and camping. Thanks to Andrew (who doesn't even post on CC.com) for bringing up the beer from Portland when no one else could commit to it. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and put up tarps, cooked food, and all that stuff. And finally, I'd like to thank the Academy and all those that hold silence regarding anything that may or may not have happened at Drunkup 2005. And Mother Nature, no thanks for the rain. If anyone came across a little Canon camera, its AlpineDave's. Good karma points if you get that back to him...it was brand new.
  23. Peter Puget, you really are "one of us", aren't you. I like that article. Especially that part where it says "in Miers junior high book report on Little House in the Prairie, we can really get a good idea about her stance on abortion".
  24. olyclimber


    MisterE, you left out the equal part Canadian Club
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