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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Dru said that?
  2. the Internet gives a voice to the trash/insignificant. It can be used well, but you don't. instead you muddy the voice of the trash/insignificant.
  3. Pathetic gossip, nonsense, white trash especially, sick vulgarity, sexism (!), often boarderline criminal insinuations...ick.
  4. this is what I logon for everyday. well, except those days when i'm sleeping all day, such as the past weekend.
  5. craigslist
  6. drip
  7. exlax
  8. excellent
  9. I gave him a ride to the airport once. Ask that John Frieh guy.
  10. i thinking he's talking about a hairy gay guy wearing polar fleece.
  11. damn it. fever is gone, now i can't sleep. it isn't easy being an adult-child.
  12. olyclimber


    Cascadeclimbers is why I invented the Internet.
  13. olyclimber


    I thought he was talking about Olympia Climber, until that last part, cuz CBS says Oly does climb. I'm mentally 16, not 15!
  14. olyclimber


    it was trick. except after sea.
  15. olyclimber


    you're popular. i'm not. you're wierd. i'm not.
  17. olyclimber


    sounds screamy and painy
  18. I hear Layton free solo'd that thing naked (as if there is any other type of free soloing)....ick.
  19. olyclimber


    Don't you feel sorry for the Commies? They lost the cold war and were subjected to humiliating things like capitalism and stuff.
  20. Most of the posting & discussion is very non-climbing oriented. Like 75% of it....ick.
  21. Here's a clue: it is measured in quarts of yak milk.
  22. This thread is so passe. SNL this past week covered all this material and more.
  23. There's some nice items for sale at TedNugent.com: http://www.tnugent.com/
  24. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12241326/ Looks like those right-wing nuts might just be right this time. Of course, a liberal like you would never pre judge a serious case like this. Innocent until proven guilty and all that troublesome nonsense, eh? Can you say Tawana Brawley? I'm coming out of exile - this one time only - to tell you what a fucking moron you are, E-Rock. And the fact that the administrator here allows you to threaten 'butt-rape' without edit only demonstrates why this site now resides in the gutter. The AZT has turned your brain to cheese. Fuck off E-Rock. Damn this post has been edited so many times, every time I read it, its a different post.
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