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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Spandex-Unitard-skin...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. PLACENTA STEW: ANOTHER HELPING Dear Cecil: Sorry, but you've been scooped on the placenta story. The use of placenta in cosmetics was featured in the Chicago Tribune in a 1980 article entitled "Beauty May Be Only Placenta Deep." The writer interviewed the owner of RITA Organics, a company in Crystal Lake, Illinois, that makes freeze-dried extract from human placenta. They get the frozen organs individually wrapped, packed 40 to a box. The final product sells for $3,500 to $5,500 per pound. --Tom Lubomski, Chicago Cecil replies: The Straight Dope never gets scooped, Tom. However, we freely concede that the daily newspapers can provide a useful supplement to our work. The Tribune reported that RITA once upon a time purchased frozen placentas from hospitals (the going rate was 50 to 75 cents each), which it thawed, sliced, and filtered. The end product was a white powder that RITA sold to cosmetics companies. Products containing placenta supposedly accounted for 5 percent of all protein-based beauty aids. I've learned RITA has since gotten out of the business, but the Merieux Institute of Lyons, France, may still be at it. In other placenta news, I have received a Stern Warning to Youth from Richard Reich, MD, of Madison, Wisconsin. Reich warns that placentophagia--that's placenta eating for you rustics--can help spread AIDS and hepatitis. Cecil therefore solemnly advises his readers, next time they're invited to a placenta party, to thoroughly inspect mother and child for signs of transmissible disease. As for Dr. Reich--come on, doc, let's chill. The stuff kept you alive for nine months, didn't it? Finally, David English of Somerville, Massachusetts, has thoughtfully sent me a copy of the script for a censored Saturday Night Live skit featuring--you'd better sit down for this--Placenta Helper. "Placenta Helper lets you stretch your placenta into a tasty casserole," it sez here. "Like Placenta Romanoff--a zesty blend of cheeses makes for the zingy sauce that Russian czars commanded at palace feasts," etc. The last line was supposed to have been a voice-over from Don Pardo: "Placenta Helper--make a rare occasion, a rare occasion." Very tasteful. Why it got cut we'll never know. PLACENTA RECIPES! To the Teeming Millions: A friend has sent me recipes from the summer 1983 issue of Mothering magazine for the following mouth-watering dishes: placenta cocktail (1/4 raw placenta, 8 ounces of V-8 juice, 2 ice cubes, 1/2 carrot, blend for 10 seconds at high speed), placenta lasagna, placenta spaghetti sauce, placenta stew, and placenta pizza. The last one will definitely stop conversation at your next Super Bowl party, and since you're not likely to be able to order it from Domino's, here's what you have to do: "Grind placenta. Saute in 2T olive oil w/4 garlic cloves, then add 1/4 tsp. fennel, 1/4 tsp. pepper, 1/4 tsp. paprika, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. onion, minced, 1/2 tsp. oregano, 1/4 tsp. thyme and 1/4 cup wine. Allow to stand 30 min., then use with your favorite homemade pizza recipe. It's a fine placenta sausage topping!" Be sure to let me know how it comes out.
  4. Is Mark your real name? I've got some things I'd like to admit: 1.) My real name is not Olyclimber 2.) I'm not from Olympia
  5. Do people wear "used" lycra? Is that done?
  6. Does anyone know a good outlet for buying 80s era lycra tights? No black or dark color, has to be straightup neon. I need something colorful for photos for all the first ascents I'm going to be doing this summer. Oh, and if you have any vintage photos of yourself climbing in neon lycra, it's appropriate (but this thread only!) to share them here.
  7. What do you post as on Cascade Climbers, Mark?
  8. Pardon me sir, but doesn't hot camomile make you think of hot carl? I hope I didn't intrude on your happy thoughts.
  9. olyclimber


    and today the cocoa plant thrives and produces a cash crop..
  10. i've come pretty close. it was quite an achievement.
  11. EXCUSE ME!? Jon, did you think CBS was referring to you?
  12. a molotov
  13. Actually, it depends on how you prepare it. That recipe with shallots and garlics sounds pretty yummy.
  14. olyclimber

    Spirit Guide

    I'm looking for a Spirit Guide to get my through the Passage of Empty Thoughts. Are there any reputable Guides out there?
  15. olyclimber


  16. olyclimber


  17. olyclimber


  18. olyclimber

    God is coming

    And She is pissed!
  19. Aye Maties, yee be interested in sending snivilization down to the briney deep? Would yee like to make yee home in the belly of a whale? ARRRRGGGG!!!!
  20. crying while eating
  21. Brining civilization in a saltwater mixture before you cook it adds flavor, tenderness, and reduces cooking times.
  22. similiar to a coin slot then?
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