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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    And what about corrupt administrators on CC.com? Are we safe from them?
  2. olyclimber


    and they are the only corrupt CEOs, I'm sure. the world is now a safe place from corruption.
  3. olyclimber


    outside of enron. meaning, these guys are just the people at this level that got caught...and the justice department decided that these guys would go down. they don't have the money nor the time to go after everyone...so law enforcement usually just busts the low hanging fruit and that usually scares most people into complying to the law. thats my conspiracy theory for the day.
  4. olyclimber


    If I were a Debbie Downer, I would say these dudes are just the fallguys and there are probably much bigger fish. Corruption, its what makes the world go round.
  5. Was there any tobacco in it?
  6. I've run through there myself, and yes they went through the low divide and did not go up the valley to Anderson. I don't think anybody said they did. I'm reading from "Exploring the Olympic Mountains - Accounts of the Earliest Expeditions 1878-1890", and the list of people for the Press Expedition is correct. O'Niel had expeditions in 1885 and 1890. The Press Expedition was in 1889-90. I love obsessing over these little details ...but then that is my homeland. Funny to think of the words "expedition" and "Olympic mountains" used in the same sentence.
  7. At Ttips you can't type STEAKSAUCE (or STEAKSAUCed, STEAKSAUCing, etc.) anymore without the web site's word filter automatically changing it to STEAKSAUCE (or STEAKSAUCEed, STEAKSAUCEing, etc.)
  8. Press Expedition Members: James H Christie - Chief of Party Captain Charles A. Barnes - Topographer Harry Boyle Runnals M.D. - Historian John H. Crumback John William Sims Christopher O'Connell Hayes (youngest member of the party)
  9. Just so we're on the same page here, cube mates: If somebody gets hurt, don't poop in the announcement. If you don't have something nice to say there, then don't say anything at all. If you have a comment about practice, technique, herds of people, bolts, etc...go ahead and create a seperate thread to discuss those items. I'm just a protocol droid, so I'm not going to argue with you about this. That is the rule according to my programmer.
  10. Get those kids out of college and into the streets! What are you thinking?
  11. that would be so wack! they could reach out to ethnic groups too! for instance, publishing FOTH in ebonics. I n rock climbing, whether ya use da SRENE/ERNEST system, or another method ya may gots learned, da fact iz ya should always use multiple anchors. It do not matter if ya iz trad climbing, top roping or sports climbing. Two anchors iz da minimum fo' rock climbing. Three anchors won't hurt ya either. Creating rock climbing anchors iz, in fact, creating uh dynamic engineering systems ta handle uh suspected or expected maximum impact force. As wiff all dynamic systems, da need ta build uh system dat multiplies da load handling capability iz required. You would not build uh step ladder dat would only hold yo' weight, ya would build one dat can hold uh great deal mo' than yo' weight. The same iz true o' climbing anchors. Given uh choice ya should build yours wiff uh 2:1 or bettah safety factor. If ya can generate almost 3,000 pounds o' energy ya bettah gots uh system designed ta take uh least 6,000 pounds. in the hood
  12. I'm thinking about either doing some gardening or chasing some rainbows this weekend looking for a pot of gold. what are you guys doing this weekend?
  13. but i thought you liked brown trout for breakfast!
  14. the midget?
  15. cool jrb, have fun.....just let me know if you need any help figuring out how to load pics to the gallery or linking them in your posts when you get back.
  16. you never said thanks for bringing the kindling. what a jerk ummm...don't get started with me girlfriend! mmmmkay?
  17. hmm...that is pete smoking a blunt....i'm actually in the nest that minx is carrying.
  18. put away the candy dru
  19. alternatively: That's all you got, you copulating pot-smoking, fat eskimo-copulating, praying mantis stylin', poorly disguised excuse for a telemarkTwats infiltrant. Clearly our thread has been "linked" to the souless void beyond the ad-whoring front page. Did you guys ever determine from your "Poll" if the cover photo can be enlarged, or will that diminish the stature of the Black Diamond banner? STCU, n00b
  20. are you the one on the left or the one on the right?
  21. What Would Jesus Do This Weekend?
  22. Sooo....meet you at the free camping at CoR?
  23. olyclimber

    Bush is fun

    damn matt....just when i thought you were completely worthless you dredge up a gem like this...
  24. at least they weren't wearing tele skis.
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