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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. there a still a few badasses out there. you don't have to be the first one to climb something to be the badass (not that i'm saying beckey isn't one) i can say this because definitively, if spray were summits, I would be badass.
  2. my guess is you loose all your sensitivity with one of those things sometimes sensitivity is worth its weight in gold
  3. See the Delicate Arch thread. Do you think that group is going to shut up? Think again...some people just feel like speaking up if they see perceived or real injustice. Imagine the day when it didn't cost anything to camp at Vantage...well you have to do that today (pay). I don't think climbing will drive change at Vantage as much as the Gorge will. Now Lucky, don't you think it is funny that you're raising a ruckus about people raising a ruckus?
  4. Thread? THREAD?? I WANT A DAMN FORUM! They made a forum just for you! its called spray.
  5. i don't know, looks like those two aren't pooping alone there
  6. true, better start talking kegs then
  7. you're going to burn in hell for that one. seriously. she presides.
  8. ok, 3.5
  9. i prefer the double seaters. it is never nice to poop alone.
  10. ya, anarchy! everybodies doing it!
  11. thats cheap...i wouldn't do it for less than 4 cases.
  12. helmets are for wussies who are afraid to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
  13. So is the rest of the year if gas goes to $100 a barrel
  15. you've crossed the line. that is obviously and catagorically spray.
  16. maybe if you wanted to be more noted as a kyaker or skier you might be more interested in the descents. Generally those diciplines aren't known for thier climbings skillz, but they help to get you to places for the bigtime hucks (you know, like City Park).
  17. I don't think it is homogeny so much as preserving access that people have one their minds. Access can be pretty binary, and if you are a 0 instead of a 1, it can make all the difference sometimes.
  18. olyclimber

    $100 a Barrel

    you got to have a hollywood budget for shit like that these days
  19. olyclimber

    $100 a Barrel

    Damn...no more cheap roadtrips to Moab
  20. olyclimber


    that is pretty accurate....we need more bullet points.
  21. You should be the first to white water kayak Hood. Be sure to wax the bottom of the kayak thoroughly.
  22. At Joe Puryear's show the other night I was waiting in line to get a refill and a couple of the FF guys where working on the keg... "Who got the Budwieser?" "This isn't Budwieser, its Rolling Rock" "Must have been ordered by the one of the new guys" Not a tragedy, Rolling Rock is piss beer just like Bud.
  23. she obviously shaved her neck beard
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