that would be so wack! they could reach out to ethnic groups too! for instance, publishing FOTH in ebonics.
I n rock climbing, whether ya use da SRENE/ERNEST system, or another method ya may gots learned, da fact iz ya should always use multiple anchors. It do not matter if ya iz trad climbing, top roping or sports climbing. Two anchors iz da minimum fo' rock climbing. Three anchors won't hurt ya either.
Creating rock climbing anchors iz, in fact, creating uh dynamic engineering systems ta handle uh suspected or expected maximum impact force. As wiff all dynamic systems, da need ta build uh system dat multiplies da load handling capability iz required. You would not build uh step ladder dat would only hold yo' weight, ya would build one dat can hold uh great deal mo' than yo' weight. The same iz true o' climbing anchors. Given uh choice ya should build yours wiff uh 2:1 or bettah safety factor. If ya can generate almost 3,000 pounds o' energy ya bettah gots uh system designed ta take uh least 6,000 pounds. in the hood