This morning the barista at the drive through espresso by my house said "how would you like to do a triple shot on me?". I immediately felt dizzy and left her a large tip. My americano tasked different and now I have a strange amount of energy.
Can someone explain what happened? I can't stop thinking about what she meant by the "triple shot". I feel tinglely and I'm not sure if I should stop at that espresso stand again.
hopefully you'll fair better than the three that fatefully decided to climb out of the canyon and leave the expedition early. of course, they didn't bring bolts for gridding. I suggest bringing scuba gear.
Speaking of that (probably NSFW):
BTW, in Spokane, best sit-down is at any of the Rocket Bakeries, and best drive-through is Jacob's Java of which there are 6 scattered around here.
5 stars.
Colin, hello I am poor American climber, would like to borrow money from Trustafarian climber candyman for to afford trip to Patagonia for myself and a few others. Much thanks.
Not only that but the pony tail for men is coming back bigtime. Also, I heard that there is a new Versace line of tie-died shirts. But why pay so much when you can express yourself by making your own? Take back the power from the liberal intellectual elite!
Why it is that people with more income and education arguing on behalf of regulations that force people with much lower incomes in isolated or underserved markets to pay inflated prices for consumer goods is both ethically and economically sound?
So far we'll have:
* Offwhite showing climbing pictures from the days of old (He has asked me to hype this into oblivion) sickie
* AlpineK is going to be showing some pictures
* John Frieh is going to try to make it up and show some pictures of great climbing in Idaho.
Drop me a PM if you have some pictures you think everyone would be interested in seeing. I'd like to get at least one or two more people showing.
now now...all items where performed in serial. oh, unless you mean that I was driving while doing them. but who just drives anymore? its such an opportunity. knit a sweater. carve a pumpkin. fix your bicycle.
Conditions were ideal today. Was able to read the complete works of James Michener from start to finish as well as do my taxes and write a screen play based all the posts ever made in Spray on
I know I'm coming off as an ass-kissing sycophant in saying it, but Colin is one of those people you feel really lucky to know as a person. I don't know anyone else who has achieved near as much and retains such humility.