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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Yf0LH8FtHAc
  2. JLUBfeGUq2M
  3. I saw this last night. It was like this X 30 or 40:
  4. olyclimber


  5. Hey Rad, Check out this thread in the gear review section. Good luck! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/648628/page/1/gonew/1#UNREAD
  6. i have no response to that. nothing.
  7. but no doubt you're agree that he is very scarry. that is, if you can tell the difference.
  8. Were they this scarry?
  9. camel toes are blowing up in the '07
  10. Hi2U! Would you like to see my light saber?
  11. I would suggest exchanging toes with a camel.
  12. Well, we'll welcome your AK trip reports here John. My gut only hangs halfway down to my knees. The moderators here are a great bunch.
  13. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/22/AR2007022201007.html linkenator. linkmeister.
  14. 2GL9ofasvNY
  15. bJlapQWgDyI
  16. KWECaXAOlz8
  17. LqeC3BPYTmE
  18. Glengarry Glen Ross
  19. let me know if you finger it out. i think it has to do with saying funny stuff on the interenetssfs.
  20. why don't you try focusing on some balanced truth. bush and co have fucked things up beyond belief. democrats say stupid shit. bush says even more stupid shit. i know its fun to troll with a blatant attack like this, when nevermind that the video that could be put together with all the stupid shit the neocons and republicans have said. put them together and they are all crooks. with blood on their hands. all of them. you voted for them. so blood is on your hands. but not mine. i just washed them.
  21. y-AXTx4PcKI one of my favorite all time movies. coffee is for closers only beeyotch!
  22. try it now Frosty. If you can't, let me know which forum.
  23. i'm here to poop on this thread.
  24. olyclimber


    Looks like Britney is out of rehab once again! Is everyone else as concerned as I am for her? sickie
  25. great pictures, and nice climb clint and john!
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