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Everything posted by olyclimber
The hunters in my family enjoy killing lesser animals because it makes them feel superior, but also to sink their teeth into the flesh of the animal and devouring it for nutrients. here they are in their camo: So day I will join my brother in the glorious hunt of moose flesh.
actually I already have a plan! i built a climbing wall outside and decided to put a HIGH ZOOT fancy dancy corregated roof on it. unfortunately, it also had the dynamic lift of an airplane wing and rattled apart. its looks pretty sweet now, and I plan on leaving it...along with the broken down VW bus and other white trash decorating elements such as old tires and random junk. i may be in the market for some good lawn art too. Hopefully it will cost the spec builder dude $50 grand on the price....and I don't care how much it goes for because I'm not moving right away, and the only thing it will result for me is higher taxes if my house value goes up.
cc.com admins "Who should I randomly ban today?"
You two deserve each other. Maybe you can start a beamer club over there in Phinney Ridge.
I'm more human than human.
what the hell are you talking about? I bet you don't know what it feels like to win the lottery.
Heard this on the radio the other day: Guy is telling a story about a trick his dad played on his mom. They lived in Florida, and whenever the lottery got over 100 million dollars, his mom would buy 10 tickets on Saturday morning for the Saturday night drawing. So it does, and she does. So early Sunday morning his dad finds out the winning lottery number and goes out and buys a ticket for the next drawing with those winning numbers, and then puts the ticket in with the stack of 10 she has on the dresser. Then he sits reading the paper as she looks up the winning number on Sunday morning (listed in the Sunday morning paper) and proceeds to crap her pants because she "won the lottery". He lets her go on for about 10 minutes thinking she has won before he tells her to look at the drawing date on the ticket and tells her what he did. He then proceeds to tell her he did her a favor because "she got to know what it feels like to win the lottery for 10 minutes".
I agree with this. Also, I won't mount an elk head on the wall that I didn't take down myself. I hate it when people just buy an elk head at Walmart and mount it in their den. Besides, the Chinese elk heads they have at Wallmart don't match up the quality of an American made elk head.
OK...you got me with that one. Wingdome truly should be placed on the historical sites list and subsidized by the government to ensure they never go out of business.
Pssffffttt!!! Phinney Ridge??? Only Phools live on Phinney Ridge! AND! They are drastically over priced up there. Lets face it Jay, you'll find your marble countertops and stainless steel awaiting you in GLORIOUS WEST SEATTLE....AND they come with a foundation, wiring and plumbing too! It really comes down to a life style choice: Do you want to realize you dreams and live the life you deserve in West Seattle?...or do you want to shoehorn your existance into the pretentious yuppy enclave known as Phinny Phucking Ridge?
Woah! I didn't expect this level of excitement over the Valhalla Known As West Seattle. This Hamlet, nestled on the East Shore of Elliot Bay features views of Mt. Baker, Mt. Rainier, the Brothers, Mt. Constance, Vashon Island, and of course the unmatched skyline of Downtown Seattle (including the Jewel of Seattle, AKA the Space Needle). West Seattle features a rich history, and being the Most Beautiful Area of the Puget Sound, attracted the very first settlers to the area. Where else an you get fried chicken in a historic log cabin, delight in the best vistas of the Olympic Peninsula, climb on the first artificial crag in the United States, gladhand with rock star neighbors, stroll through an unblemished coastal forest that features a wilderness field yet is right in the city, or bath in outdoor heated saltwater swimming pool? Where? I thought so! YES! Only Wonderful West Seattle. Come join us in unrivaled sumptuous living, found only in lifestyle magazines such as Martha Stewart Living and Dwell Magazine.
Jay, when you come back (if you don't fall in love with the East coast as you seem to be doing), then there is a HUGE castle for you to move into that is nearly completed that is pressed right up against my property line, and even though the property was much lower in elevation than mine, then new fortress towers over my little squalid lean-to. In fact, the new colossal contribution to the Seattle's square footage fills its small lot right to the letter of what is permissible. The spacious spec manse is sure to meet your discerning tastes, and though cheaper material have been used in the construction, it LOOKS PRETTY GOOD and will surely fetch well over 600 to 700 thousand precious American Dollars. Then, while you tower over my ramshackle Hoover Hut, you can enjoy what the world has be talking about....the comfort and amenities of Glorious West Seattle. Unmatched living close to all that Downtown Seattle has to offer (sporting events, world class entertainment, a newly expanded art museum, shopping, nightlife), but hurry back to West Seattle to browse the West Seattle Farmers Market where you'll walk with a bag of fresh produce while you sample delicious baked goods and exquisitely crafted handy work of local artisans. Then stroll into to Easy Street Records to hear the latest tunes while the strange but wonderfully coifed hipsters prepare expresso to your exacting standards. Run up to Metropolitan Market and get the rest of your gourmand cooking needs, and then finally retire to your castle and enjoy incredible views of Mt. Rainier and the Olympic Mountains. West Seattle will comfort and nurture, bringing meaning in your life when before there was none. It was give you a reason for being, shine your shoes, and walk the dog. It will put your future kids through college, give you massages after a long day at the office (hand release optional), and detail your car. West Seattle, oh GLORIOUS WEST SEATTLE!!!!111!!!!1
there are two baa
Peter, you better be there wearing your uniform too!
Are you sure it wasn't beans, not meat?
You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Like so many countless pseudo-intellectuals swarming around vacuous internet forums to discuss worthless political issues, your kind is a scourge upon humanity, blathering and blathering on and on about all kinds of boring crap. If your personality could be sculpted, the resulting piece would be Rodin's "The Thinker"--although I am absolutely positive that you are not nearly as muscular or naked as that statue. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire!
Ken Nichols convicted and fined for bolt chopping
olyclimber replied to billcoe's topic in Rock Climbing Forum
Joseph, Sure, there is no legal "right or entitlement to bolt". It is about what is legal and fair for people to do on public land (private land should be at the discretion of the owner I would think). But if there is also no law prohibiting the bolts (except for placement method in Wilderness, etc)...so a compromise must be made somehow? Isn't this the publics land, and there are many differing opinions out there. How do you reconcile "Don't bolt where bolts aren't wanted" with a viewpoint that all bolts everywhere must be chopped? Another example building a trail on a public land...it too scars the land from its pristine state. The starting point should be some agreement to the exact use of the resource (either developing for recreational use it or maintaining the pristine state). However, even if such micromanaging happens, I'm sure that Hayduke will live on... -