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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. you don't need no training or dumb classes. just get some beer and go to the gravel pit.
  3. olyclimber

    BC Bud

    Definitely need at least 6% beer and the type of chronic that Peter Puget be smoken for this to be any good.
  4. it sounds delicious. right up there with mickey d's griddle cakes.
  5. Well, I'm actually not a proponent of required "real name" posting either, but this is what I find strange: What does this have to do with getting threats from people at work, etc? Seems like a "holier than thou" statement to me. In the end, while I think debating things (such as bolting or not bolting) can be useful, but because of the the characters and egos involved (sure...maybe on both sides of the fence, eh?), this board and this thread in particular never seems to actually achieve any meaningful discourse....like a bunch of people shouting into an empty room. Sometimes it does seem that is intentional, and a smarter person could "stay above it" by just not participating when it gets to that point. I'll take my own advice and respect myself enough to extract myself from this particular conversation. Night F!
  6. You. What was your name again?
  7. Then why would you participate in such a debate? Don't you lose just by entering it? I respectfully and completely disagree. It is a valid point. Unless you're a complete troll, if you have risen above the "disrespectful debate" as he seems to have claimed to have done, then what does he have to be ashamed of in associating himself with.....himself? If you're truly ashamed of participating or associating with those who participate, then stop. He comes off no more respectable than the people he criticizes. His posts (like anyones here) are his sole property. What does he have to be afraid of? That someone will recognize that he posted and then some "disrespectful" person posted some crap after that? Does he actually fear being associated with this board? Then why does he continue to log on? It isn't necessarily a case of cowardice...it seems to me that it is a question of self respect. Why continue to contribute a conversation of people you have no respect for if you value your own time? Claiming to post in an authoritative manner does carry some personal responsibility. Otherwise, you're not that authoritative, are you?
  8. Very, very funny. So you're saying that you really don't want your real name associated with your own posts? You do realize you are just validating the argument anyone might make for putting your real name out there, don't you? I'm actually a proponent of allowing people to continue to use "screen names" which permit relative anonymity (though the personalities do come out anyway, don't they?). But what you are saying is that you would rather not have your name associated with what you post (which should stand apart from what anyone else has to say). You're saying that you can't stand behind your own arguments, because you're embarrassed to do so. Maybe thats not what you intend to say, but read what you wrote and think about it. If you don't actually want your name associated with this debate, then don't post. Respect yourself and don't waste your time if it is so beneath you.
  9. uKoM2vXOdRM
  10. what is awesome is the enjoyment people get from seeing them fall on their face. dirty laundry
  11. When I had a Subaru, I took it to Subarus Only on Lake City Way.
  12. olyclimber


    E-Rock, i found your video. Brilliant! 91GXpXidNNw
  13. google "argentina"
  14. olyclimber


    Have I told you lately about West Seattle? I'm like the monorail...I don't get stuck in traffic...I just occasionally catch on fire.
  15. olyclimber


    I don't brake for shit. I'll be on 405 tomorrow too, looking for you.
  16. interesting http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/fit.nation/obesity.map/
  17. ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ◘♥ °° ◘♥ °° (\__/) (\_(\ ◘♥ °° (='.'=) (=' :') ◘♥ °° (")_(") (,(')(') ◘♥ °° ◘♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘
  18. either that or ASUS and MSFT aren't supporting it for Vista, in which case I recommend you go back to XP if you want to continue with Windows.
  19. btw, find your MLB version and download the driver directly from ASUS. the driver has probably been updated anyway.
  20. switch! http://www.ubuntu.com/ its so easy to use. i'll admit that windoze still pays my bills, but at home i use the above (well, that and OS X). of course, it does use some sort of commie development system, but it works for me.
  21. Tk6JppNhTaM
  22. Qs-ItfYYeQ8
  23. How much snow in the upper enchantments basin? any recent pics? MOSQUITOS??????
  24. 1 US dollar is almost = 1 Canadian dollar.... http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/1y?usdcad=x
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