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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. There are three English words ending in "-gry". Two are "angry" and "hungry". What is the third one?
  2. 3FkTORyXc6g
  3. NICE pics! So cool. Love it.
  4. Your name is Kat. Stop fooling people, like you're a piece of chocolate or something!
  5. only place i know of is some bouldering slighly north of the shangrala known as Pacific Beach. Just north of Kalaloch. don't expect much though.
  6. I only club baby seals after I finish off the adult seals.
  7. SERIOUSLY. watch this whole show. i'd love to hear what anyone has to say about it. most interesting show i've seen in ages.
  8. Get yr black helicopter fix here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/darkside/view/ Why the pres. was interesting in killing PBS of course!!!
  10. Wait! I thought that was calculated with actual age, not mental equivalent.
  11. Fairweather! It is just wrong to cut in line at the ferry!
  12. My gut is telling me that posting on a public forum on the internets asking if it should be kept secret, coupled with a guide book = no more secret area. Maybe if it is kept really, really secret, then Climbing magazine will do a feature on it. I think the difficulty of the routes will keep many out. SSSHHHHH!!!
  13. 95-40 or FIGHT!
  14. Don't worry...there is help here: http://www.internetisseriousbusiness.com/
  15. Are you feeling guilty? I didn't actually single you out. Stroke on, but remember this isn't spray.
  16. got you the first time. insults have been well covered in previous threads.
  17. What would be funny is to take the conversation (as circular and non-productive as it is) to the next level...insulting people and posting funny pictures which results in getting you banned! after you get banned, then you can claim that you were censured somehow! Brilliant. i'm tempted just to flush this whole thread down the toilet. Seriously, what has been argued here that hasn't already been said in the various other IB/bolt-or-not conversation threads? Have our main protagonists here actually learned something? Have the various people who have gotten their egos entangled is this conversation learned something? I know I have not heard a single thing argued that actually builds on what has already been said. It would be interesting to hear from some other people who might be reading this thread, and the usual suspects just STFU. Or...you can sit around and stroke your ego. But keep and mind that if thing get out of hand (as they are above right now), you risk getting banned...and it isn't because of your political/environmental/climbing views. Its because you can't have a civil conversation in a regulated forum.
  18. About 440 new measures officially became law Sunday. Here are a few: # Cutting into the ferry line will bring a $101 fine. # Schools that teach sex education are barred from using an abstinence-only curriculum. # Foster children, who previously lost government support when they aged out of the system at 18, are eligible for Medicaid coverage until they are 21. # The new domestic partnership registry confers some of the rights of marriage to same-sex partners and older, unmarried straight couples. # The new state vegetable is the Walla Walla sweet onion; state amphibian is the Pacific chorus frog; the state ship, the Lady Washington. # Porphyria patients, those with extreme sensitivity to light, now qualify for special parking privileges.
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