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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    City Data

    I don't know how accurate this data is, but fuel for fire http://www.city-data.com/top2/toplists2.html
  2. its ok...they are both consentual adults and neither lives in the state of Texas.
  3. olyclimber


    people live in the conditions that have been put upon them...by market forces. sometimes to change those conditions the market alone simply does not work. i have no idea what you're talking about with your "first world" talk. i'm talking about 3rd world people forming their own unions, and how it could be a good thing for them. Sure, maybe they are happy to have their job that pays them a dollar a day or whatever, but if the market can take it, and they can force the issue by unionizing, why shouldn't they get say...a whole 10 times as much??? Or maybe you think that is just what they deserve for not being good capitalists.
  4. Tomorrow night.
  5. olyclimber


    well you can pick and choose were the invisible hand has been efficient if you want. unions are not perfect (my dad belonged to one and he bitched about it all the time), but they do serve their purpose. and what are the "evils" of unions? they appear most "evil" in places where they become corrupt and bureaucratic. when they become an organization like the mafia, in a parasitic fashion you describe...but that is just one side of the coin. historically unions have done a huge amount for workers. sure you wouldn't like to roll back all the changes unions have brought to workers. conversely employers can be much more "evil" and get away with it. the market has a STRONG demand (i.e. guiding invisible hand) for "cheap, I don't care how or where it came from" products. Look at the Gap, Nike, etc. Of course those people are overseas, so who cares, right? Should we wait around for people to stop buying that stuff because of the "injustice", or should they unionize? Which would do more damage to their well being? Hard to say if you ask me. But is would seem that unionizing has historically worked during certain periods, only to became evil later during more affluent periods. i'm making all this stuff up.
  6. olyclimber


  7. olyclimber


  8. http://www.afhakers.nl/media.asp?x=7995
  9. heh...i should post an update...more detail of the town has been added in since that picture of it was taken. sorry i missed out, if you guys hear about heybrook events, be sure to post them here in the future...I know a number of people that would be interested in attending.
  10. I have a big painting in my living room of Heybrook from the perspective of top of 3rd pitch of DH: From the climbers perspective, the view from the upper wall is amazing. It would be sad to look out at a big clearcut. I know we have talked about this issue in other threads, but thanks for bringing it up Tony. Shame I didn't know about the October event.
  11. olyclimber

    Colbert out

    http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hC-zUPHsxVV9_8h9b0BHk4qLcqvwD8SNMDC00 too bad, with the "fake" news seemingly having more truthiness than the real stuff, just think of what impact a "fake" campaign could have had.
  12. For those that preferred the "old new way" it can found under "Quick Links"...just choose 48 Hrs or 7 days...once in that view you can also select 24hrs and Active Topics vs. Active Posts.
  13. Those that missed how 24hrs Search worked before the upgrade might find it more to their liking...
  14. olyclimber


  15. Bullshit. BTW, Coach is about 10 times smarter than you. You're not qualified to measure intelligence.
  16. looks like they are losing! what are the chances.
  17. olyclimber


  18. Wow, cool guys. When I'm healed up I want to join in on some Oly fun.
  19. I found this movie about Dru [gvideo]4913196365903075662[/gvideo]
  20. olyclimber


  21. There is now a "Contact Us" link in the upper right that links to the support ticket system (you can also just click on the link above to get directly to it), so report your issues through that now. This will make it easier for us to track and respond to problems, as we'll be able to do reports on the number of issues and have all the info we need to fix stuff.
  22. Well, only a small crater, but we've got them on the run now.
  23. Hey, I'm getting ready to blow up the website for just a moment...just so you know
  24. With ice climbing season coming up soon, I'm giving Dave Burdick's ice climbing gear intro article a bump up. Check it out, it is nice introduction if you just getting into ice climbing. There is also some tips for sharpening your tools up so you're ready to go when the ice has formed. Dave Burdick's Ice Climbing Intro Article Some stokage - TrogdortheBurninator's picture of the crux pillar of This House of Sky:
  25. Fun Fact: Chris Farley's "motivational speaker" character was based on Washington State's own "Coach" of UW Rock and down-by-the-river-at Index fame.
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