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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. and McCain's relationship with Parsnips and Califlower should be examined too. I'm afraid he is in bed with the Vegetable Lobby, we need someone who is not afraid of meat in the Whitehouse.
  2. Worst Rap Battle Ever - Watch more free videos
  3. so we basically have two anti-religious candidates that shun the advise of their spiritual advisers. all signs point to a coming apocalypse.
  4. dude, thats all over the blogosphere, and we all know you read the blogosphere. get a grip. the Straight Talk Express has made a right turn down Pander Alley and McCain is now in bed with all the right wing wackos. I'm surprised McCain hasn't declared Spinach or Brocolli as his spiritual adviser! Come on, Peter_Partisan! FEED THE FLAMES!
  5. well i was wondering is turning women into butch dikes. obviously they must not be drinking enough soy.
  6. well, unless you're into it
  7. i'm never gonna give you up
  8. i'm sure you don't hate america. just americans, right?
  9. This has to be one of the most pathetic and profoundly wrongheaded moral injunctions of all time, don't you think? well it depends on what you are judging. a dog show is perfectly fine. but the fate in the afterlife, should there be one, i'll leave to the experts.
  10. http://www.jeffhansel.com/main.php
  11. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  12. judge not lest you be judged
  13. the lord helps them who help themselves. to extra portions.
  14. olyclimber


    Or better yet, now they are linking to the Meth Makeover!
  15. olyclimber


    what i want to know is how do you make your arm holding a fishing rod look like a naked chick
  16. olyclimber


    i went to look at the link and what do i see across the top of foxnews.com Breaking News >> Navy Fires Warning Shots at Iranian Boat in Persian Gulf
  17. Better yet, do you know a site where people who all claim to be climbers can argue about politics and religion? And please, leave out the humor. Serious discussion only. KTHXBAI.
  18. Thanks for the links Peter! Best websites you've linked to yet in your storied linking career.
  20. it comes in pickle. what else do you need to know?
  21. bonus points for mentioning Ayn Rand
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