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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. this should make them start swinging the bats
  2. olyclimber


    its already in that forum
  3. sounds like they will give players the chance to perform under new mgmnt, and if they don't, they'll be on the block. of course, if they don't perform they aren't going to be worth shite, but that is where the team is right now.
  4. doesn't sound like he is out of the woods yet.
  5. olyclimber


    heh, correct. quite a system we have here! or is it just the people? i believe that it is the republican view people are inherently good, and thus trustable with minimal oversight. the libs view people as inherently bad, and thus require tons of regulation. or is it the other way around? anyway, politics as usual.
  6. olyclimber


    sounds like a politician! say whatever you have to in order to get elected, then do whatever you want once you are.
  7. olyclimber


    bullshit. McCain couldn't be more different than W and he hates W's guts. it seems like he wants to be president more than he wants to be different than W.
  8. olyclimber


    funny how concept of "peace in the middle east" used to be pretty much a joke, and now it has become our mission (for a chunk of it at least). will it be George W. Bush's legacy to be the president to finally bring peace to the middle east?
  9. olyclimber


    what about China? graph makes shoe?
  10. olyclimber


    the mission is defined by the commander in chief
  11. you're laying on the sexual innuendo a little thick this morning bug
  12. olyclimber


    the libtards are using repetition and viral videos!!! UBALqvp08Vk
  13. well, they can certainly spend that much and more building them! hell, if i would be priced out of todays market because i don't want a huge mortgage or a 50 year loan or whatever. lucky to have purchased a house back when they were reasonable, even and even then i felt like i was paying too much.
  14. i didn't ENTER the house to see the INNER CAVITY. instead I di admire the outside, which wasn't too shabby. i think the house cost almost a cool million. that how we roll on teh Westside.
  15. olyclimber


    yeah dude....but its an OBAMASURGE. Totally different beast.
  16. dru is this some sort of dildo? did you buy ALL of them?
  17. i was just cycling around teh Westside, and saw a sign for a house for sale. it said "I'M GORGEOUS INSIDE", and i immediately thought of all you people who post on cc.com.
  18. WOW. that was impressive. is he going to be the next Republican President???!!!
  19. that was such a bitchen movie when i was in gradeschool! i think i saw it in the theater.
  20. Check out this ad for McCain. WTF? I though he was MUCH older than this! If he has invented a time machine, then we should probably elect him.
  21. maybe if you're lucky i give you a facial i'm pretty sure that was a joke, pink. nobody really thinks you are gay. i mean most, if all people here are seriously wondering.
  22. sort of makes you think twice about climbing at squamish! the kids up there!!!
  23. oh yeah? well have your ever tried googling miserable failure before?
  24. what is the total we could get with our oil fields...something like 3%?
  25. http://www.komonews.com/news/20399129.html
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