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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. war is hell http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/06/military_suicide_060808w/
  2. Amazing pics! Thanks!
  3. Post in this thread to find a rideshare to your favorite crag! Info required: 1. Date 2. Destination 3. Origination 4. number in party 5. if you can drive or not (and the mpg of your car if so).
  4. olyclimber


  5. olyclimber


    nd8ffo3zFMw http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=274054
  6. olyclimber


  7. I'll add a SW forum shortly. Love it down there! We can include RedRocks, AZ, Utah...we've had some great TRs from that region.
  8. thats what i was thinking! via the web. also found this... http://www.apraxia-kids.org/site/c.chKMI0PIIsE/b.4054981/k.DBB1/2008_National_Conference_on_Childhood_Apraxia_of_Speech.htm
  9. yes my dad has many tales of high seas in the big boats, i couldn't imagine weathering something in a boat the size of yours!
  10. that is pretty much my nephew's case (as far as severity). however, the complication is that he lives up in a little village in Alaska (fully entrenched in mothers extended family (native) and his parents love of that part of the country and way of life). so getting good intense, personalized therapy is probably going to be an issue. after visiting them, and subsequently trying to talk on the phone with him (which wasn't that successful) i bought then a webcam so we can do skype video. he LOVES it, it removes the communication barrier we had. but now i'm just wondering how i can help him up there.
  11. http://www.komonews.com/news/19938414.html erden, curious if you would recommend rowing across the pacific as a good workout plan? you could start a new health fad. btw, the ancient mariner is my dad, he is a old crusty pirate with a wooden leg. he made many the voyage across the pacific, but in container ships, you may have seen him out there in the ocean, as he just made his last trip and is now retired. i've heard the pacific is quite large, so you may have missed each other (not-unlike ships in the fog) in the big drink.
  12. this emo/folk dude from the PNW is a soldier (has served one tour and i believe is still in but is back home) yVsOBSZfG1A
  13. similar but just speech...unable to talk, even though he obviously wants to and can conceptualize speaking....but is just unable to do it...then he gets pissed about it. subject is around 4-5 years old.
  14. i have NG two friends that have/are putting in multiple tours. they get excited about the adventure, neither was psyched about the second tour, but they're going (well one is there), neither is active combat, but rather supporting. the honeymoon is really quick for them and they're ready to come home. the pay is (if single) enhanced by the fact that you can't spend to much of it over there I guess (well lose it at poker I guess?). my friend currently there has diverse (& divorced) parents: 1. a dad who is a super right wing gun nut 2. a mom is a super liberal social worker If you want to meet a "moderate", i have met no one who matches the description more than him.
  15. anyone familiar with it? know someone that has it?
  16. Here is the real scoop on the Rockfest Alternative HGfaQCY_bo4
  17. at least you didn't get skeletor's lines
  18. W19wr5rXVHk
  19. ummm....its there
  21. glad to see the rockfest inspires you to get out. have fun!
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