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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. oVjn4B_agag
  2. who has the chutzpah to be winnar?????
  3. dechristo?
  4. what color is it?
  5. yeah...the one where you sit on your knees with your mouth open?
  6. yes, but we have to pay for the speculation that they might have to pay.
  7. well, given the Abramoff debacle, i don't think it is partisan to have a negative view of the lobbys impact on the process. freedom of speech and petition is one thing, but when you make it a money game, well, we have seen the result. people are bought, and the process as designed is derailed.
  8. well that sums up the process a little too broadly. what you mean is they buy hookers and blow for politicians in order to buy a seat at the table. NO, I don't. Don't put words in my mouth. That is what YOU believe happens. Lobbyists are an extension of our 1st Amendment-guaranteed rights to petition our government for redress of grievances. sorry guy, that was a failed attempt at humor. so you're saying that lobbyists and their money are what the founding fathers had in mind with the 1st amendment? like i said, i haven't researched it at all, so i'm open to hear some facts here about it.
  9. your use of the word "liberals" has an unusually broad stroke. like calling someone on a "conservative"...are they fiscally conservative? or socially? or mentally? instead of "liberals" i suggest the words "evil doers" for comedic effect.
  10. my definition includes, but isn't limited to, valor in battle sometimes honor may be not going to war, which is sometimes the more appropriate choice. honor and nationalism have definitely been "misused" in the past (nazis is a case i think would all agree on), but then that would depend on your point of view. perhaps you could only view it as "misused" in that the problem was at the top (hitler and his party), and that the concepts of honor and nationalism are impossible to misuse. it seems to me if you drape it in a flag, honor takes on the subjective baggage you associate with that nation. is it possible to view valor outside of the baggage? i'm sure some people can appreciate the code and valor of a kamikaze pilot, but i'm sure those on the carriers that were their target had a different point of view. i don't think honor is a bad thing, it is certainly a noble aspiration, but it is also useful to see the same trait in the enemy and recognize that it is not something we have a patent on (other than the honor the represented by the American flag)
  11. agree that if such charges are to be brought up, specifics should be supplied. thats why i was asking if anyone read the articles proposed by Kucinich, or to offer up specific breaches of the Constitution. i'm not taking about doing snakey things that skirt the law, but things that are explicitly against the law.
  12. and it sounds like McCain wants to fuck with it too...
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25092436/
  14. caution: humans should stay out of the way of the invisible hand when it swipes at you.
  15. or the role of gov't expanding to the ridiculuous levels we see today well i think that one was covered, actually...we have regular elections and an elect people who favor less if that is desired (throw the bums out etc). that people don't vote or are apathetic to the degree that they are today might be another story. the lobbyest branch of the government is clearly a powerful force that changes how our government was designed to work (i'm trying to state this in a way that doesn't judge whether that effect is good or bad).
  16. what i wonder (and have done NO research on) is how much the founding fathers anticipated the effect of the lobbiest mechanism on the overall process.
  17. well that sums up the process a little too broadly. what you mean is they buy hookers and blow for politicians in order to buy a seat at the table.
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,365629,00.html
  19. Yes. Then you don't believe in the constitution. ...And you wonder why conservatives question the patriotism of the left? so show of hands as to who believes bush jr. and co did at no time violate the constitution. if you believe they did, then which? is it contained in the kucinich articles?
  20. creepy??? try naked hillary.
  21. (not that that addresses the allegations made above)
  22. scurries to teh google http://www.straightdope.com/columns/030214.html
  23. you've really got to be a fan to watch this crew rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic. i've just got tickets to one more game, i think i'll catch the rest on the radio.
  24. eye see
  25. here you go guys f13Tp93c6aw
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