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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/814731/Main/60738/#Post814731 don't think the band is showing up (and definitely not unless asked)
  2. i'm going to try and get to that golden gardens thing.
  3. i've got a drunk midget and website full of loonies, what do you have there? not that i'm looking for work right now...
  4. this is truly the website of brotherly love
  5. sorry, but only when i actually imagine you. which is when i'm taking a dump and when i log onto Cascadeclimbers.
  6. buzzing noises
  7. she's cute and so is the girl. i used to have to milk two cows in the morning before catching the bus to school. best was when they scratched the hell out of their teats for some reason on the barbed wire. nothing like squeezing puss and milk into a bucket while getting kicked by the cow that makes you wake up. i haven't found a better alarm clock yet!
  8. well close! but i'm having FUN. and i'm GOOD.
  9. are these all self portraits? you are indeed a man of 1000 faces! i'll always imagine you as a bat dick.
  10. thats a pretty uncouth thing to say! which presidential canidate will shoot themselves in the foot first??? which will pander TOO much? which will grab the key niche market! soccer moms? nascar dads? porn surfing grandpas? this is going to be a great election.
  11. you guys miss the point. this is what 5K does for a living! and the living is easy...
  12. i like the way you're using animated gifs to convey your thoughts. its very imaginary.
  13. yes. i like my talkers to have more of a southern drawl and to be rougher around the edges. and older than the hills. it would help if he was a war hero too.
  14. Just picking up slack. He failed to correct you when he posted after you. Just keepin' it real. i don't think anyone can actually correct pink. he's permanently broken.
  15. Definitely a cool looking place http://www.pbase.com/nolock/image/61068094
  16. welcome to cc.com!
  17. Barak Sadaam Hussein Bin Obama Laden
  18. who cares about results! It's the *thought* that counts. that and feeling good about doing something. like finding the guy responsible for 9/11. Saadam. I mean Bin Laden! Sorry!!!!!!11
  19. or the bulls sperm the Iranis have to live off of because of the strict embargo.
  20. holy shit...those are some cheap jets
  21. as a conservatard, you are wrong as usual. that is good old fashioned AMERICAN bull jizzum. probably pulled fresh by some cowpoke in texas.
  22. even if you never leave the couch
  23. port townsend is full of liberal hippies. you would either hate there or love it there.
  24. already grew it out from the 1/4 setting? friggen long hair.
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