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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. from the PI article: a "mere" 2 1/2 minutes!!!???? Is that all he could do???
  2. umm....the woman should read the book posted earlier in this thread
  3. i'll admit that i have an account on summitpost. but i don't go there anymore, i swear.
  4. nothing says poor taste like Hugh_Conway
  5. OK....now have at him! Who did he think he was, Bill Clinton or something?
  6. straight out of compton, in to the backcountry life ain't nuthin but bitches and money and scree and devil's club
  7. No it just proves that roads should be privatized in Brazil. along with wax jobs.
  8. a good mixtape to put me in the right mood
  9. God isn't just Big Government. He is also Small Government and Medium Government. God is also Anarchy.
  10. heh...that reminds me of my experiment i left in my cube at work (i haven't worked there for ~ a year). there is the mascot: a sealed package of gouda cheese. it has been slowly breaking down...it has been there for approximately 2 years. also a sealed package of tuna that is well over a year past its expiration. i wonder how long that will last or if it will eventually expand? it is sealed....
  11. and yes, he both giveth and taketh Visa.
  12. just as God had planned
  13. 1.) Rich people, who are clearly genetically superior, will get better care and thus have a better survival rate. Thus the human race will evolve to be more betterer.
  14. it comes down to this. humans are basically good. so are corporations. it just when you try to socialize stuff that the devil takes the helm. satan. it all stems from the fact that God and the Devil divvied it up the way they did. God got private industry, and the Devil got social constructs. you would think that corporations are social constructs, but they aren't. they are humans just like you and me, altruistic and lovable to the core. for medical care, its best to let God take care of you. He can cure any malady, and if he decides its time for you to die after waiting 4 hours in ER for care, then he probably has a better plan for you in the afterworld. so anyway, you can see i've got it all figured out. let me know if you have any questions!
  15. top ramen
  16. water 0HeUixe_Lpg
  17. you guys are as crazy as your old man. you did the right thing in cutting the rope. R2hlGLZGjFM
  18. M1eLBos7QYk i'm bringing a caribiner.
  19. Cool hobby that guy has.
  20. food. thats a good one!
  21. 1. toilet paper
  22. I'm going to brave the weather and go on an easy alpine rock/glacier climb this weekend, but I can't find my Freedom of the Hills. What am I supposed to bring?
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