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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. unless its a witch
  2. Post your favorite Trip Reports from the CC.Com archive here! No criteria required for this thread, other than that you think the TR was great. However, if you do want to use a criteria, that is great too! Joe's Southwest Trip Sambataro's casual hike in the NW Colin and Marko - Complete Stewie NR in Winter Layton's story of pinchy Will's Steck Salathe Wayne's Mongo Ridge Solo One of many of John's Sawtooth travels that he has shared here Amar's gripping Rainier survival tale Anything by Uncle Tricky Selbacher's Use of Shovel as a Cooking Pot on Cassin Route Jens and Loren on J'burg
  3. True, I'll move my crap to another thread here . Post the links here as per Wayne's spec!
  4. sort of reminds me of good old american little league baseball featuring central american imports!
  5. i'm doing both right now at the same time
  6. that was SUPERFUN!
  7. olyclimber


    neu peu. good night tokyo!
  8. olyclimber


    its how i'm rolling. so deep and can't even stop to correct grammar. apologies in advance!
  9. olyclimber


    you're speaking my language. talk dirty to me.
  10. olyclimber

    For Feck

    personally i like buying expensive japanese maples and then slowly but surely torturing them to death.
  11. olyclimber


    without the shit the cycle would be broken. for example, elephant shit is REALLY good composting material
  12. There is a secret world out there.
  13. olyclimber

    For Feck

    But when it burns in a forest fire it and all gets renewed, its like a flood washing all the scum off the earth. Beautiful.
  14. olyclimber

    For Feck

    Feck you're a goddamn hippy tree hugging fucknut. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  15. I only read the naughty bits.
  16. HELLO! Turtle here, just poking my head out to see whats going on!!!!
  17. olyclimber


    Nothing. Except the same old shit.
  18. move on......DOT ORG???????
  19. Incredible pics, great story. Thanks Tom. There is way more than a thousand words here in this one alone.
  20. well ulee and i will come out for a bit. see you there.
  21. I like my picnics in the sun. I'm probably not going to be there unless some people are showing up.
  22. IS ANYONE GOING????????
  23. looks like he's gonna smack dat azz
  24. olyclimber


    Yeah, I like to lock myself in a broom closet with a gallon of whiskey too.
  25. olyclimber


    I like your new zen sensibilities.
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