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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I stock piled some 2007 Boones. The stuff really goes well with veal.
  2. Oh snap! bugs bunny got roadrunner on this one!!!
  3. i'd like to approve this, but its going to take Senior VP support. I suggest you run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it, and if response is favorable then put together a tactical team to evaluate implementation methods.
  4. they are the ones questioning the government and god.
  5. I should add that I enjoy reading my own trip reports as well.
  6. Should I add: I am crass.
  8. i can shuffle papers!
  9. *bump* I thought someone might have some favorites! Anyone here read the TR section of the board?
  10. I can do MAGIC!
  11. this is for DeChristo's benefit. He LOVES America. Its also for the guy above who can off the couch solo Orbit with a grape clenched in his ass cheeks and not damage the grape. CxUGR8vc8NE
  12. unfortunately that part of the board is unalterable.
  13. i see a girl there!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26200165/
  14. i tone my abscesses on a daily basis.
  16. i feel sorry for you! she's a total bitch. but then so am i.
  17. do they have a political corrector too that aligns everyone with your own little POV on the mess?
  18. Ha! I thought this was going to be about buying 222's!
  19. We are worldly. We are educated. We are captain of the debate team. We know our wines. We know our liquors. We know our gear. We know our techniques. We climb mountains. We know right. We know wrong. Ask us anything, we're probably an expert in just about anything you can think of. I am a man of CC.com. Hear me roar.
  20. OH SNAP!
  21. olyclimber


    You were supposed to keep that feature secret John. Thanks alot.
  22. and you are a trouser snake Dru.
  23. Did they attack us on our soil? Before we occupied Iraq. in other words, you'd rather have had more americans die first. well, Iraq was poised to attack the homeland. but we took care of that!
  24. are you an experienced receiver of this technique? i don't want to leave anything to chance.
  25. Its the same word in another language and culture. and. and. and. whatever, it isn't American.
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