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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. and the poor little lamb died about three hours ago
  2. time for my midnight snack
  3. we're all in the same gang
  4. this is pointless
  5. its not a "libs" point of view. its an American point of view. in fact, anyone not pissed off by these non-border checkpoints should be deported back to the country they came from...unless they are native, and then they should be kicked back across the land bridge they came over on.
  6. well it will be interesting to see the courts interpret the legality with the Patriot Act in the mix. it seems that a lot of things that were illegal before regarding what the State can do to its Citizens has changed. IMO the terrorists won when the Patriot Act passed.
  7. the coolest part was when i noticed the blacken toe nails had risen up, so i pushed downward on them. out gushed a clear fluid, and i could push down on the nail and pump the fluid out till the last bit bubbled out. sadly there is no more fluid as the old dead toenail is curling and separating from the toe.
  8. both big toe nails are black and falling off after a hike a weekend ago. the left one i can almost pull of except for the right side and the lower cuticle which will draw some blood if i grab a pair of pliers and rip it off. underneath is a lil baby toenail!
  9. its also a great way to prevent freedom. if they could just combine it with delousing and credit/background searches I would finally feel safe.
  10. http://www.peninsuladailynews.com/article/20080824/NEWS/808240302 Checkpoints coming to a road near you! This is what America is all about to me. Freedom. As long as you aren't doing anything wrong, you'll have nothing to worry about! Godbless the Patriot Act.
  11. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    woody! NO!!!!!!
  12. you mean guy. indeed, nice job, and great pictures once again. what sort of camera are you shooting with?
  13. Sitting here in Limbo Waiting for the dice to roll. Yeah, now, sitting here in Limbo, Still got some time to search my soul. Meanwhile, they're putting up a resistance, But I know that my faith will lead me on. I don't know where life will take me, But I know where I have been. I don't know what life will show me, But I know what I have seen. Tried my hand at love and friendship, That is past and gone. And now it's time to move along.
  14. well, it does seem to be lacking in feng shui for sure.
  15. this is real. awesome dudes!
  16. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    here is a picture of Ulee playing his Gameboy, where he announced that he did not feel well. the tupperware tub is his barf bucket. he apparently does not do well playing the Gameboy while riding in a moving car.
  17. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

  18. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

  19. olyclimber

    Kids Ropeup

    great time! thanks for Peter for the facilities, and for Melissa for organizing. it was very nice to meet both of you and your family that you brought! Kens off to foriegn lands again, so it was really awesome to spend some time with him and Simone. some pictures to follow. also, special thanks to Micheal Phelps. Without you Micheal (and your elongated torso), the world would stop spinning.
  20. wow, that pic of Rolf with the parasol is putting me over the top. i think i'm going to blow it up into a poster.
  21. Bilbo...bilbo baggins!
  22. down the ole rusty razor blade of life
  23. So, have you asked him about 9/11 and why he did it?
  24. I wasn't aware Osama was running for president. Perhaps if Bush had not bungled catching him McCain would have this thing in the bag.
  25. olyclimber

    PayPal Hacked

    looks splitter
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