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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Actually, if you compare the four people before us, Obama is by far the better speaker out of all by far. So no, I don't. You could make a honest debate over other issues, but your candidate of choice (and his VP) don't even come close to Obama's ability to speak.
  2. olyclimber

    Economic News

    less competition means better prices for everyone!
  3. well no doubt, which ever candidate wins is going to win a flaming bag of shit, courtesy of the current administration.
  4. think of a self described "dog wearing lipstick"
  5. Actually, I think monkeys may fly out of my butt. But that might happen either way.
  6. Wow....thats an amazing place...and amazing pictures too! The rock looks so nice. The Engine looks so cool! How much does the canoe approach cut off the trip in?
  7. http://view.break.com/569516 - Watch more free videos
  8. olyclimber


    I finished the windows (exterior at least). Lets go climbing Peter.
  9. 6QbgXQ4XL1Y
  10. http://www.khou.com/video/topstories-index.html?nvid=282017 is a clown or is it a bear???
  11. CzhFDQIgGSg
  12. looks like she has a 3rd leg growing out of her side there. probably caused by mutations brought on by lack of proper control of the chemical industry. fucking republicans.
  13. Cool pics as usual. Thanks Steph.
  14. Has it been 15 years since we started the Secret He-man Klimbing Klub? Holy cow....it has!
  15. olyclimber


    i have a mac. i just need to install some z-flashing on it, and finish bringing the siding up to the trim.
  16. it could be, but i don't know since i'm agnostic, that Jesus was a liberal, and God is a conservative.
  17. olyclimber


    does your bicycle have a seat?
  18. olyclimber


    fucking windows
  19. olyclimber


    and its a great day. wish i was out sketching out on a 5.9 right now.
  20. olyclimber


    I think the sum total of it all can be stated as: I'M RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG.
  21. what a bunch of nihilists!
  22. will be interesting to see where the polls go after the country gets to know who Palin actually is (and what she actually knows)
  23. hYQAv2HnuCQ
  24. it looks like you have done that
  25. here is some "straight talk" http://www.wcsh6.com/video/default.aspx?maven_playerId=immersiveplayer&maven_referralObject=850878100 geesh....
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