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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. well it won't be the first time someone has quit the board in a huff. and it won't be the last. best of luck to you! i certainly like having as many voices and opinions here as possible, but you can't make everyone happy. we have never tried to enforce good taste here in spray, and if we did it would not be spray. at anyrate, i'm just curious what has actually been done to address voting irregularities that has been brought up in the past couple of elections, if anything. and if nothing has been done, why?
  2. been there, done that
  3. there are plenty of loony posters here. just because i might share some political opinions, doesn't make me loony.
  4. ACLU? Where were the real libertarians protecting our liberties? Oh yeah, providing denials or justifications for disenfranchisement. IMO there aren't any real libertarians that post here
  5. http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~seclab/projects/voting/
  6. “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
  7. I started this thread to unite us. I'm a uniter, not a divider.
  8. Right. And while you're on the hyperbole, the Republican party only wants upperclass white people to vote.
  9. maybe its because you rarely hear of the Democratic party trying to exclude people from voting? http://digg.com/2008_us_elections/Lose_your_house_lose_your_vote or maybe yall have some examples of that to share...
  10. and you guys are pretty predictable yourselves, btw
  11. if they lose, probably
  12. what is your confidence in the the voting process? hacked voting machines, people getting excluded from voting based on challenges made with obvious political motives, etc... is it all a bunch of conspiracy theory stupidity, or are there real problems that need to be fixed? have they been fixed since they were illuminated in the last couple of elections? i await the experts of cc.com to weigh in with their wisdom
  13. aren't bears hairy gay dudes?
  14. olyclimber


    ...and what on his health record scares you so much? Nothing. There is no medical reason that he should have any problem completing his presidency. Next. actually, he seems to be in the early stages of dementia to me. he does not seem that sharp to me, and it seems to be getting worse. of course, Reagan showed that you could have dementia and still run a country (and be canonized by your party as well!), so perhaps there is no worry.
  15. olyclimber


    given the elderly dude she is running with, she might as well be running for president
  16. olyclimber


    I have been. given that success in Afghanistan is clearly tied to Pakistan, I don't see how they can stop crossing the border for targets. I don't think it is "unofficial" access that is granted. It would be more like they don't want to risk engaging the US militarily, so they would just complain loudly to the rest of the world.
  17. http://lateshow.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/video_player/index/php/964805.phtml
  18. Those dudes shouldn't be spraying at work.
  19. That player is obviously a receiver.
  20. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1120ap_odd_bicyclist_vs_bear.html
  22. http://www.canada.com/story.html?id=65dc0171-577c-4167-aed9-26bf892c2a7a
  23. safe and sound http://wenatcheeworld.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080910/NEWS04/709109994
  24. http://wenatcheeworld.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080909/NEWS04/709099996
  25. The bears are crazy dangerous this year. Beware. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26650046/
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