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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Lightning is typically a level one spell, and much like "flare", it is pretty useless. Level one million is a gross exaggeration and a level 2 druid would not even be worth killing. I recommend you brush up on your current spell base porter before claiming such silliness. someone hasn't completed their internet studies yet: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/bloodninja
  2. I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
  3. as you probably guessed, there is a website specializing on movies set on mars http://marsmovieguide.com/
  4. this thread is the bomb
  5. [video:youtube]spgNMLG_j4g that is deep snow. wish it snowed like that here in seattle.
  6. No bug, he wants to "cape you". That means you have to wear the cape while he wears the wizard hat. thats a pickup line at D&D conventions. but you're right, he is asking for help: the reach around.
  7. Damn, I swear I've seen something climbable when out canoeing there, I can't remember where though...
  8. [video:youtube]j3pz2VgIM7E
  9. [video:youtube]-VrxJfRjtFo DON'T CROSS RICK JAMES!
  11. Retreads are killing this great nation.
  12. Hey Dru, I couldn't agree more. Lately I've been stabbing myself in the eye with a butterknife more than Spraying on cc.com. I have the following recommendations to offer: 1. More threads should be posted that allow one to demonstrate their knowledge of "Monty Python's Holy Grail". 2. Woman should be more flirty, even if they are actually dudes posting posing as women. This is drastically needed! Also, PM me a pic, thanks. 3. Personal attacks haven't really been that personal! We need people to call out EXACTLY what is wrong with the other person, instead of these petty insults that are being lobbed over that fence at one another. What a passive aggressive group! I want links to wikipedia entries for the exact mental disorder, etc. 4. If you're going to post about music, it better be obscure enough. Mainstream crap will not be tolerated. It has to be indie or a hidden gem, or I don't give a crap about it. I don't want to hear about these mainstream pieces of crap...I'm so above that stuff. I am a sensitive artist. Nobody understands me because I am so deep. In my work I make allusions to books that nobody else has read,Music that nobody else has heard, and art that nobody else has seen. I can't help it because I am so much more intelligent and well-rounded than everyone who else who posts in spray. 5. Eat a bag of dicks.
  13. can you prove that isn't factual?
  14. [video:youtube]oHg5SJYRHA0
  15. but yeah, experts see to agree, the free market should have been allowed to work out the crisis. there was no need for the 50 gazillion dollar bailout with little or no oversite.
  16. So John D. Parsons works for the government?
  17. [video:youtube]WqOcGx83nFY
  18. [video:youtube]w30ZlGiZRIo
  19. [video:youtube]VVi-Hr5noKU
  20. [video:youtube]yxloUBCYuFM
  21. Snoq Falls I-90 Westbound I-5 Bellingham Blewett Tumwater Canyon!!!! White Pass
  22. think of lil Suri!!!
  23. dunno. go lock yourself in a phone booth and wait!
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