Hey Dru, I couldn't agree more. Lately I've been stabbing myself in the eye with a butterknife more than Spraying on cc.com. I have the following recommendations to offer:
1. More threads should be posted that allow one to demonstrate their knowledge of "Monty Python's Holy Grail".
2. Woman should be more flirty, even if they are actually dudes posting posing as women. This is drastically needed! Also, PM me a pic, thanks.
3. Personal attacks haven't really been that personal! We need people to call out EXACTLY what is wrong with the other person, instead of these petty insults that are being lobbed over that fence at one another. What a passive aggressive group! I want links to wikipedia entries for the exact mental disorder, etc.
4. If you're going to post about music, it better be obscure enough. Mainstream crap will not be tolerated. It has to be indie or a hidden gem, or I don't give a crap about it. I don't want to hear about these mainstream pieces of crap...I'm so above that stuff. I am a sensitive artist. Nobody understands me because I am so deep. In my work I make allusions to books that nobody else has read,Music that nobody else has heard, and art that nobody else has seen. I can't help it because I am so much more intelligent and well-rounded than everyone who else who posts in spray.
5. Eat a bag of dicks.