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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Ah Hail!

    I may have to join one of those Jewish sects like in the movie Pi. This is all starting to make sense.
  2. when 4Chan meets the climbing world: Beatards
  3. you're in it!
  4. who are you buying your bacon from? who is your bacon dealer?
  5. olyclimber

    Ah Hail!

    armaggedon. its hailing.
  6. I don't know if the guy I stole it from has already used it here, but i wanted to be one of the first to introduce the term "Beatard".
  7. olyclimber


    HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA HA HA aha ahahaahahahhaah ah ha
  8. a dark cloud is descending on seattle. the beasts are coming for us. http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?product=NCR&rid=ATX&loop=yes
  9. olyclimber


    I had a little bird, Its name was Enza, I opened the window, And in flew Enza.
  10. olyclimber

    Swine flu

    i just found the vaccine for swine flu
  11. olyclimber

    Swine flu

  12. olyclimber

    Swine flu

    Or worse yet, a stupidity so inane that all that witness it are turned into soft spreadable cheese.
  13. yes. he was watching all of us after that photo, with the ball gag in his mouth. it was his butt after all.
  14. [video:youtube]l0WLw6WRX4E tonight the rainbow ends with you
  15. [video:youtube]3PiQOb6cPvw
  16. [video:youtube]Sax29GGuUmg how old are these dudes
  17. oh come on! YOU took that picture! don't your remember? the shrooms? the feces? the good times? its like i hardly know you anymore.
  18. Bill you are unique, and its a pleasure to have you on this board. -signed, fellow wingnut olyclimber
  19. La Sportiva Cirque Pro approach shoes i'll take these if they are not gone. just PM with your preferred method of payment. i'm in seattle, could come up there in the coming month...
  20. don't forget to drive on the wrong side of the road
  21. brown nosers
  22. or THE lyger. but beyond that, my fantasy doesn't have such boundaries.
  23. Did you guys take any pictures of the lake?
  24. olyclimber

    Flu Vaccines

  25. olyclimber

    Flu Vaccines

    yes but you have become a better culinary artist.
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