If I was king, i'd be carried around in one of those king carrier things. and everyone would get Mondays and Tuesdays off.
but i'd make you work on Sunday and Monday instead.
SOLID Slideshow lineup:
1. Current AAC President Steve Swenson
2. Joe Puryear (check the current Alpinist #28)
3. The International Ski Mountaineering Sensation Sky Sjue
4. Select slides from regulars here on the board
well its not climbers (that is why most of us are here anyway) but just people who don't know what the hell they are talking about should STFU. but unfortunately that will probably not happen due to the same mental defects that led them to their beliefs in the first place.
that's part of what's fucked in the new rome - gladiator contests were generally free for the public
yeah, but imagine Rome, but all the spectators willing consumers. that is America for ya.
turn left just before Olympia. take 101 to PA. yes that is the fastest.
you could also drive from Tacoma Narrows across the bridge to Kitsap, but from the south Oly to 101 should be your fastest unless there is construction.