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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. wait till pink shows up in his polish porsche. should be a party then.
  2. I shot a bunch of baby animals from a helicopter and left their meat to rot
  3. jdjr has to be some bizarre troll.
  4. all people making broad generalizations are idiots.
  5. it is amazing the folklore people acquire from complete hearsay and then try to pass off as actual fact. its one thing to hold these sorts of ideas in your own mind, but it takes a real jackass to argue in support of them on the internet.
  6. [video:youtube]KDdTpVrcNvQ
  7. best wishes to your daughter Ivan. i hope she feels better soon.
  8. since i converted to Scientology, i no longer believe in vaccination quackery.
  9. West Seattle is the center of the universe. Fremont lost its soul when it sold out to corporate interests. Wallingford does have an excellent place to buy beer. If you bike to work from Queene Anne you the ride is too short, might as well just take the bus. coming from New York....well its all going to be hick town for you, no matter what neighborhood.
  10. favorite pelican song so far... [video:youtube]7qQzas739ic
  11. i don't look quite like a mole rat yet, but if my formula works, I will be even better.
  12. olyclimber


    happy halloweeeeeeeeeen! i've got tons of premium bacon stored at my house in case of WROL. i'll have the market cornered.
  13. i'm pretty sure thats what human beings are going to evolve into after armageddon.
  14. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    happy halloween bug! here on cc.com you're not a defect, just another one of the elite crack team of strange ones.
  15. [video:youtube]i5D76UeRgu8
  16. do you guys get a lot of Euros flying in to sample some Beacon Rock?
  17. as long as you keep only to beacon, i'll continue only with Smith, Index, and Squamish. promise.
  18. olyclimber


    i got a potbelly porkbelly. his name is rumr.
  19. [video:youtube]HOfLvBq9ggg
  20. or drum-based [video:youtube]uuUF0Qed4HA
  21. olyclimber


    i just got some pork belly
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