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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. accidents are FUNNY!!! what the hell. its just a viral traffic safety ad for the UK.
  2. olyclimber

    Thank Obama!

    is it freedom speech or is it freedom of being an absolute douche bag? a venn diagram would work best.
  3. think of how much more popular the zoo would be if they fed the lions like this every time? [video:youtube]DIo2E4iCxrM
  4. or maybe its to protect them from this:
  5. walls are built to keep those without a ticket from enjoying product they didn't pay for....like this: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/music/article6904212.ece
  6. I just uncorked new thread creation for this forum. and no, pink, this is just like any other TR forum. except its for the Columbia River Gorge.
  7. yes the new forum does have some kinks
  8. olyclimber

    Thank Obama!

    you keep track?
  9. olyclimber

    Swine flu

  10. olyclimber

    Thank Obama!

    then you will just die the skaters death. the bazooka is the only weapon i can hit a moving target with.
  11. olyclimber

    Thank Obama!

  12. That is pretty sad, best wishes to his family. Those are some stunning paintings.
  13. olyclimber

    Thank Obama!

    Well there is work to be done: http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE50R0UL20090128
  14. there is no link. it was so secret that no one knew about it.
  15. olyclimber


    its just another form of expression, like ballet or hockey.
  16. I doubt it too Ivan. Beatardation is very polarizing. But I think Portland area climbers are uniquely passionate.
  17. come now. how about the honorable Jack Gartner? http://www.gartnersmeats.com/
  18. This is being printed, thanks to Tod at Edgeworks Climbing, Tacoma. It is purely an Index Fund Raiser. Posters will be numbered (this special WCC edition of the print will only have 200 printed) and all proceeds go to the Washington Climbers Coalition Fundraiser. I should have a few with me at Sausagefest to include in the raffle. Elsewise they will be available at Edgeworks and other outlets soon. Again, all proceeds of the sale go to Index.
  19. I'll come. But it has to be in January, on a weekend.
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/11/07/george-w-bush-secretly-visits-fort-hood-victims/
  21. I want to propose everyone who climbs at Beacon, have a picnic. In the dead of winter.
  22. olyclimber

    MJ film rocks

    Well he was a pretty talented soul. Its just weird that so close to someone's death there is already a film out about them.
  23. olyclimber

    MJ film rocks

    Did someone just decide that they should film the rest of his life or something? I have a camera crew following me, but thats because of my good looks.
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