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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i went hiking naked on a river drainage in the Olympics. saw some gals. some dudes. it was rad. a good time was had by all. except for those that were scarred by my nakedness.
  2. sorry but i have always pictured Kid Rock as a complete douche...regardless of his political affiliation. and i'm not even sure I would call him a musician.
  3. wrong way, but you get the drift
  4. http://www.farecompare.com/flights/Victoria-YYJ/Portland-PDX/market.html
  5. Heh...didn't even consider the plane! Hell...buy a jet!
  6. Quickest is probably the Victoria Clipper or whatever they call the direct boat these days from Seattle. Second as far as I know is drive to Port Angeles and take the ferry from there. Fun town!
  7. political. i just like this particular song though. [video:youtube]fkuOAY-S6OY
  8. good stuff. thanks Stonehead.
  9. prefunk starts at 5, slides start at 7 i WILL add that to the poster soon.
  10. [video:youtube]9o8uYa_G-cw&NR
  11. There are some pretty good events going on this fall! be sure to put this one on your calendar.
  12. olyclimber

    Palin's Book

    I'm enjoying her as a leader of the Republican party. Declaring republicans as "not conservative enough" and veering right from center seems like a great way to unite this great country of ours.
  13. I'm definitely coming to this event. Are you going to be there Jon?
  14. ha. it will probably be broken into by a methhead before either of those.
  15. [video:youtube]k9ew_K9JKlc
  16. whatever you're into, there are always kindred freaks who will join you. thats why this place works after all.
  17. the curiosity of what is going to happen next [video:youtube]Sd8e2SVDTDY
  18. subhuman subhuman i see you crawling
  19. i thought i was because we were allowing gay people to get married, having abortions, and other stuff really bad stuff, and god got pissed?????
  20. this is not your everyday crazy person. he's sprinkling his posts with insights and generalizations that indicate a mentally derailed train, or better yet a ferris wheel off its supports and rolling, careening with screaming riders into the night.
  21. "half assing is your best bet sometimes here at lets paint TV"
  22. [video:youtube]LOVIrRIBSdE
  23. yes, but from my perspective as a non-Jewish person, they clean up real nice and tasty.
  24. I didn't know the reasons behind the Jewish aversion to pork so I went looking. "You will find that many Jews who do not observe the other Kashrut laws still refuse to eat pork. Pork is seen as the ultimate "non-kosher" animal. The Torah considers an animal kosher if it both chews its cud AND has split hooves. The only animal species that has split hooves (trotters) and does not chew the cud is the pig family. When you look at a pig, you will sooner notice the "split hooves" than the fact that it does not ruminate. When it lies, the pig almost seems to "show off" it's kosher qualities, as it spreads its trotters out. So, the pig has come to represent hypocrisy, someone who shows themselves to be righteous, but is not-so-kosher on the inside. In Judaism, there is nothing more morally detestable than a spiritual charlatan. Hence, the widespread aversion to pork among even non-observant Jews. (That's not to say that all Jews know this, it's been ingrained over centuries)." if someone of the Jewish faith thinks this is inaccurate, i would like to know the true story.
  25. sure. and we're all glad you are championing against this grave threat. when you're done, please save the whales and feed the hungry people in africa.
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