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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. All I can recommend is this: don't kill a cop. That is a death warrent. Of course if you do, you probably have one, or a wish.
  2. ergo all climbers are geniuses
  3. Yo Beatards! We love you so much we created a forum just for you.
  4. TRs in this forum won't index the the Trip Report Database till I make some changes.
  5. oh no! TOO MUCH snow http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2010225608_apwahighwayclosures1stldwritethru.html
  6. olyclimber


    its my sons favorite thing to do, and if it keeps him out of trouble its ok by me.
  7. Well he has age on his side. And a good coach. Sausagefest is NEXT weekend folks. Put it on your calender. It will be a good time, and it should be had by all.
  8. fun fact: the proprietress is Jewish
  9. Renton Granite
  10. the whole topic is a bit prima donna. i know some sponsored climbers, and it seems like its a pain in the ass. as sponsored climbers they are not free to speak their mind because they are representing some brand and all its relationships. i don't spend time analyzing if a climber deserved to be sponsored or not, and i actually don't give a rip about who is sponsored and who isn't. only people who are caught up in that ballerina world concern themselves with such matters. climbing for me is a something that is worlds apart from "the climbing industry", and i actually feel bad for people who get caught up in hand wringing over how is is so "messed up", especially when they have formally vowed to divorce themselves from it. to "clean up" who is sponsored or not you're going to have to go to the free enterprises that fund the mess and ask them to set up a subjective "worthiness committee". its not the climbers or their resumes that are the issue. its who ever is choosing to sponsor them. i realize this is your target and who you are trying to influence. perhaps we can boycott companies that sponsor climbers we don't think are worthy. seems like there are other, more important battles to be fought. but this one is fun to talk about.
  11. what we need is a Suede Denim Sponsorship Police Force to make sure all sponsorships are warranted. i can print t-shirts for this, and we can start deputizing people.
  12. [video:youtube]8fTwkG87hG4
  13. WHATS UP HOSERS. here is required reading kids. do your homework: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacon The term Canadian Bacon or Canadian-style bacon must be made from the pork loin, and means back bacon,[13] but this term refers usually to the lean ovoid portion (m. longissimus, or loineye).[9] It also can be made from the sirloin portion of the loin (gluteal muscles), but must be labeled appropriately. Similar products made from the ham are used as less expensive substitutes. Basically, Canadians prefer to eat the pigs crotch. But actually: The term Canadian bacon simply means bacon from Canada, though whether the product was entirely reared, slaughtered, cured, sliced and packed in Canada is not normally made clear on packaging. However, it is not particularly common nor regarded as different from other bacon so Canadian Bacon is a term that wasn't coined by Canadians.
  14. Also it is important to remember that Victoria is not like the rest of Canada. They still are governed by the Queen of England. As such, be sure not to disrespect her in any way in public, as they will hang you.
  15. "rock close to Seattle"...like Index?
  16. the cars up there have their steering wheels on the wrong side. but once you get used to it, it makes total sense.
  17. qoutes being very operative here.
  18. it would be sweet to have a road right to the center of the Olympics. From there all i need is two cases of beer and an innertube.
  19. how much would you pay for front row seats? this seems almost better than hockey some how.
  20. soccer...so hawt [video:youtube]k52QWFeP7OY
  21. don't forget Nick Nack
  22. yeah i'm into wearing Catholic School Girl uniforms too! should i start a new Spray Forum?
  23. http://www.swinerymeats.com/products.php
  24. olyclimber

    Swine flu

    thats the movie that got me into climbing
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