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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Yeah Klenke, that's the one I was talking about.
  2. I second that. Yo Uncle Tricky, we haven't heard from you for a while. I think the last TR I read from you was the Mazama bathrooms one.
  3. I don't necessarily agree with you TLG. Just because a person not part of a particlar fraction of society means they can't joke about it or if they are part of that fraction they won't find humor in it? Come on. I have had friends that are gay and been able to crack gay jokes with them and I have also had friends who are gay that don't appreciate the humor. I really think that it depends on the situation and the person. I also believe though that we as a society have gotten to uptight about things. We all have our phobias whether they are about black or white, gay or straight, or whatever. I think kidding around is good way seeing that it is funny that we have these phobias.
  4. No Dru, we only brought single line with us and were in craggin' mode, though it looked like I could have reached the anchors in a sigle pitch. Next time cause that second pitch seemed to be cleaner and probably nicer climbing.
  5. Alright here is the photos to complement the TR. Here is Misti gettin in the groove on Banana Peel. Not really sure if we were on route, since the route seems to wander. The view we had after topping out. The next day on the first approach pitch to Calculus Crack. Really not as dirty as it might appear. Fern and myself chillin' on Memorial Ledge contemplating what is next on the agenda. Merci me, we decided to climb Merci Me. I graciously handed over the lead to Fern on the next two pitches. Getting ready at the start. Me seconding the first pitch. Fern leading the second pitch and yes that first clip is as far as it looks and the second even farther. And the last day just doing some craggin'. Me leading first pitch of the Shaman. Misti seconding the Zoe, a most excellent 10a bolted line. End of story.
  6. My guess terrorism drill.
  7. Yeah dude I think we met at the top of Diedra, I was with Fern and Misti.
  8. Speaking of plans and all, what'z your rock tick list for the year? I am sure we just went through this a little while ago, but the season is upon us now. So spill it. Here's mine: Sleese Bear Infinite Bliss N Ridge of Stuart to Dragontail traverse, Kev? E. Face of Prusik Backbone on Dragontail Solo Forbidden, maybe some others, Bug still in? Pax what da ya say get back to Eldo for the W Ridge and hit Early Morning as well Wall routes in Squamish Get solid on Index 10b Can't forget WA Pass, East Butt Slut you gonna haul my ass up that thing this year, I know you gotta get on that thing at least a half a dozen times this year Try sending that 11c I was working this last weekend it was fun Want to send something big and new Oh man, guess I got to get busy.
  9. Well I guess.......but after period of being off the rock and getting plenty of turning in this winter all I can think about is all the personal projects that I gotta get in shape for.
  10. Where are you, what have you been smoking? WTF are you talking about?
  11. Alright Snugtop the blue smurfette making another apperance at the crags. Matt Midway may be the best moderate in the state, but the first pitch should not be taken lightly by a new leader. I found it somewhat difficult to protect and the rock somewhat polished. The second pitch is a gas, just plain fun.
  12. Maybe this website should be called Cascadeskiers.com. I can't believe how many of you got out and skied when the rock is so warm and dry right now. Obviously I got on the rock this weekend, in Squamish.
  13. Ok Clear and WARM but 'was wound' WTF??? It was clear and warm and I was wound. You know ready to go climb. It's Monday and I am at work.
  14. Climb: Squamish-rock Date of Climb: 4/10-12/2004 Trip Report: Misti and I took off from Seattle early Friday morning and made the drive up to Vancouver. First stop MEC the meca of outdoor gear shit, after a few quick purchase we were off again. I was dying to get up there. It was clear and warn and was wound. We showed up in the parking lot around 2 - 3 pm and decide to do a quick run up Banana Peel or some variation of it. After a quick five pitch (thanks to my long rope) we were at the top. Very nice hike for the most part. Hiked down and we were at the parking lot in know time. With daylight left I was still interested in doing some more climbing, but instead we decide to get some grub and find a place to throw down. After a little searching we found a place near some other campers, right next to the river. Awesome spot, camper fire going, Pacifico's w/lime, and salmon steaks, cous-cous, and seared greens on the menu how can you go wrong? Well maybe we could have picked a site that wasn't so near the road, a couple of times in the night our tent would be lit up, and sounds of a 4x4 with Snoop Dog blasting would pass, lucky for us that last pass was at 10:30, then were we able to get some zzzzz's. The plan next day was to meet up with Fern at Starbucks, which we did. After copious amounts of caffine we were ready to start the day. First on the agenda, was to climb Calculus Crack. Fern lead the first pitch, with Misti and myself following the fun jungle gym pitch. I got on the second doing the 10a pitch, another fun pitch, though a little wet in the finger tip crack, but the gear was good, and then belayed Misti and Fern up together as well. Then Fern so graciously handed over all of the pitches on Claculus Crack with her and Misti simu climbing. Real enjoyable climb, the first pitch really easy wide, low angled crack. The second started with fingers to hand, and was a real rope stretcher with 55m lines. From there it was just a scramble to the ledge. We made our way to memorial ledge and sat and ate some food and took in the view. Next we made our way over to Merci Me, after a lot of fourth classing and hiking we eventually ended up there. I graciously/luckily handed over those two pitches to Fern. Man they were spicy, Fern looked solid all the way up both even with some 30-40 foot run-outs. After that we decided it was Miller time, ate some food drank some beer and contemplated whether or not to get on another route. Eventually we decide on Triage Arete at the Smoke Bluff's. Rope gun Fern had her bottle of courage in stomach and was ready to rock, and she did. I briefly thought about pulling the rope then decide to just take the TR ride to the top instead. After the three of us climbed the arete we decide it really was Miller time and headed to the brew pub, beers and grub. Sat down and drank, ate, and chatted. I was a cheap drunk that night and pretty much called it an evening pretty early. This time we skipped on the site we had before and crashed near the Chief, much quieter night, or maybe I just passed out a lot sooner. Again we found ourselves at Bucky's pounding coffee, ah what to do. Well after two double I was ready to hit the cliff. Today we decided on cragging. So we went to Murrin Park, hadn't been there so decided to check it out. First thing down was Shaman. It was pretty decent, fun climbing, but a little dirty. Once we had a rope on that we were able to TR to other two other climbs that share the same anchor. Again these were dirty and similar climbing, but at least it was some mileage. Next we made our way over to Zoe. Man what a nice climb that is, if you haven't done it definitely get on that shit. It's good. Goes at 10a and the rock is really clean. We then threw a rope on the 11c next to it another really nice climb. I ended up TRing it twice and both times with a lot of grunting and huffing and two hangs each run I was able to get myself up the thing. Very nice climb for a sport route, nice enough where I want to try pulling that thing on lead when I am more fresh. After that we hit the road and made our way back to Seattle. Good weekend. Pics to follow soon. Gear Notes: Gear & Beer. What else do you need? Ok maybe some of the that BC Approach Notes: The road is paved for crying out loud. Can't get any easier.
  15. Yo Kev, we's got to get back and do that Alpine Lakes traverse still. And we have yet to get on the rock together this year. When are you off for the big trip, let's make some plans to
  16. Yeah the weather looks like shit and I am sore from this weekend. I definitely vote for putting off the PCGC until next week and having a regular ole PC in Seattle.
  17. They're worth the money you cheap bastard.
  18. Hey Dave, checked out that vid. Man that stuff is way to flat, where is all the jumps and drops?
  19. So what time are people heading to the crag?
  20. Probably is two negatives to a double positive.
  21. Aw come on that is not too special, I's the only ken4ord out there.
  22. ken4ord


    Damn it you got yours for a penny cheaper, I guess I gotta switch PBR supply stores.
  23. I didn't get hassled over at the Smoke Bluffs parking lot at all this last summer. IMO there are much nicer places to stay up some of the dirt roads heading east. The only nice thing about SB parking lot is if you want to socalize and meet up with partners it is a good place, otherwise it sort of sucks, you can hear the traffic from 99, trash, pavement, no fire.
  24. I don't know where I really stand on this issue of violence, sexism, and homophobia in the industry or for that matter in society. I am not violent, homophobic, or sexist, but I feel images or jokes about these things don't affect me adversely. I can even crack up about jokes made about my heritage or self too and realize that is all it is, a joke. As for violence and the depiction of it, jeezs it's everywhere, tv, radio, theater, movies, sports, politics, doesn't mean it is right, but there is no way of not seeing it. After all we are a violent creature, if you don't think we are, just take a look at history, violence in society is nothing new. Sometimes I feel we are or trying to be too PC, trying to control the animalist tendencies that we have. Instead I really believe we need to accept these things in ourselves, recognize our true animalistic tendencies, and use our hearts, spirit, and mind to move beyond inflicting these negative traits that we have on society. So I guess where I stand on this issue is that Rossi should have every right to depict these imges of horror on their skis if they want. Is it any worse than what is on tv? We as a consumer have a choice whether or not we support them in there decision. Luckily for them there was input from the public about their design, they could have had a major flop if no one told them that they found the graffics revolting. With that said though, I realize that I don't think, behave, react the same way everybody else does to these things. And yes there are people out there that can be adversely affect by these images, in more ways than one. There are those who see stuff like that and can interpet it ok to do shit like that. And then there are those whose are hurt by those images whether it is by one who thinks ok to slash anothers throat or by trauma that may have happened before.
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