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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Cracked, for one minute, step outside your "zone of stupidity" and try to engage your four, count 'em four, neurons in a cooperative effort and visualize the sea of prana sport bra and low cut midriff baring attire that will be parading in front of yourself...then compare this vision of heaven on earth to a comparable nightmare of one of your smellin' like a goat buddies snoring away in a filthy, flea ridden, sopping seeping tent... Understand??? duh So what are you saying RuMR, that guys at Smith are starting to parade around in prana sport bra and low cut midriff baring attire. Yeah....I think I pass on that. Granted sporto areas have a few more women that show up, but sport climbing is still a sausage fest. Are you gay Ken? Not that it really matters if you are, but when i reread my post, i nowhere saw a reference to male sport climbers...so, the mental image that sprung into YOUR mind encompassed prana sport bra clad male climbers? hmmm...maybe you would prefer cracked's version of a "dream"... or maybe you're just jealous that you won't be the only one around sporting the new prana athena top??? My wife just got one...quite zesty... Does your mate like yours??? My point dumbass was that you didn't make any reference that these were women in Prana tops that you were talking about. Everytime I have gone down to Smith it seem to more men than women. Hmmm strange actually every place I have ever climbed it has been like that. So if I looking at meeting some chica or want to check them out, it is not going to be at some sausge fest. I go to climbing areas to climb, not to gawk at the scenery like some gaper or poser. I think it is some funny shit that you even know the name of that poser chica clothing, how is that you name of that stuff anyways, your not one of them are you? I mean I don't even know the brand names that my girlfriend wears let alone articles name.
  2. Cracked, for one minute, step outside your "zone of stupidity" and try to engage your four, count 'em four, neurons in a cooperative effort and visualize the sea of prana sport bra and low cut midriff baring attire that will be parading in front of yourself...then compare this vision of heaven on earth to a comparable nightmare of one of your smellin' like a goat buddies snoring away in a filthy, flea ridden, sopping seeping tent... Understand??? duh So what are you saying RuMR, that guys at Smith are starting to parade around in prana sport bra and low cut midriff baring attire. Yeah....I think I pass on that. Granted sporto areas have a few more women that show up, but sport climbing is still a sausage fest.
  3. Most of the time in my mind I want to say 'get a fucking job'. A direct "no" works and whatever you do don't make eye contact. At least I have to give a little credit for the ones who beat the pavement and go asking people for money. The ones that really get me are the one with the sign, their to lazy to even ask. I feel bad for all the ones that have some sort of mental disorder, like guy I saw yesterday beating the hell out of himself.
  4. Il Monstro (The Monster) is so fucking funny Roberto Benini, is believed to be a serial killer he observed so that they can prove he is. Johny Stecchino (Johny toothpick) again Roberto Benini, He looks like a mafioso type character, when in reality he is a bus driver. Dellacatessin is dark comedy about the people that live in a building that house a dellacatessin.
  5. Yeah just didn't have my 9 milli width me, homles.
  6. Yep Offwhite that was me in the Jeep here is the full story. My girlfriend moved last Friday most likely for good, to the other side of the world, literally. It was freaking raining in the mountains and I couldn’t go climb. Damn! So I decided to go up to some hot springs and just chill this last Sunday. I got up to the springs around 10:30 and started soaking and smoking, and I tell ya, life don’t much better than that. People came and went, I stayed, at times almost passing out cause I was so relaxed and yeah stoned too. Eventually I was the last one there, but I had enough, any longer and I was going to start melting and the herbal remedy was gone at that point. I packed up my shit and started walking out. I took my time spacing off checking out the old growth forest, looking at the nearby mountains in between the trees to see if I could spot any big cliffs that might have been overlooked. Nope, no big unclimbed faces were found. Oh well it didn’t matter at that point, actually nothing really did. Shit I was so relaxed when I crossed the crotch deep river, I didn’t feel anything. On the other side of the river was the couple that was last at the spring. They said something like that I didn’t waste any time crossing or that it is shallower going some other way. There were some other setting up camp and they invited us over for beers, the declined, shit free cold beer, yeah I there. I chilled for a while with these folks. They were a little strange, one girl had some light tongue ring with pink or purple (hell maybe I was just seeing things), one dude was talking a mile a minute and my brain was going an inch a minute, but like I said and the band Queen, “nothing really matters anymore more”. Well I said my goodbyes and hit the road. Just a little ways down the road I see this back window to a pick-up cap lying in the road. I pull over and notice it is still in tack so I lean it up against a tree, and took note that there was a damn mountie sticker on the glass. ‘Dumb Mountie I thought, didn’t even notice loosing his back cap window’. Well I thought to make things interesting for 20 mile drive out that I would try and catch whoever drop their window, which I figured were right in front of me since nobody had run it over. After I got started on my new mission, I thought damn, I should have just thrown the window it in the Jeep, but that was too much thought for my inch a minute mind. Well I caught them within a few minutes and at first I thought once they pull over to let me by I will stop and tell them. A minute passes and quite a few turn outs, hmmm, ‘maybe they don’t see me, hell they didn’t see their window drop’. So I flicked the lights and they picked up the pace. ‘Mountie moron’, I thought what gives, man they obviously know I am back there and going much faster that they were. I even start flashing before pullouts and slowing down to indicate that I want them to let me by. So more minutes and more pullouts pass at this point he has even picked up the pace. So then I started with light taps on the horn, did this work? Nope. I was just amazed this dude was going faster than he wants to, but still does not want to let me by. Eventually after about 5 to 7 minutes of this, the guy pulls over. I roll down my window and tell him that he lost his back window. His reply was, “It always pops up, it’s ok.” Me “Your window is in the middle of the road, not on your truck.” “Oh, I just thought you wanted to pass.” At that point I had to drive away from the stupidity. I couldn’t believe it, that he thought I wanted to pass, but didn’t let me by. I just had to laugh at the Mountie moron.
  7. So I don’t get, let’s see Ratboy, Dru, dberdinka, AlpineK, rbw1966 all seemed to have pretty reasonable answers. I don’t understand why the rest of you would let the Jeep by? There are places to allow them to pass in the road. Wouldn’t you be curious as what the big rush was all about? Would paranoia have kicked in for some of you potheads, your out on a dirt road somebody driving a little aggressive, flashing lights, even a honk? Granted some people just drive that way and are way to agro for their own good, but I would like to think that most people aren’t like that.
  8. That is interesting. hmmm I didn't think about that part, so I am rvamping the question, what would you do and where do you live?
  9. Yeah the pace was picked up but still the Jeep is right behind you.
  10. So your driving down this rough dirt road, somewhat narrow, but there are place where two cars can pass each other. Then in your rear view mirror you see this Jeep come up on you, obviously going faster than you are. They end up being right behind you for a ways. Then you notice they are flashing their lights at you. After a bit of the flashing lights and driving close to you they give you a light honk on the horn. What do you do in this situation?
  11. Yeah if I am in town I will definitely be up for some riding.
  12. Uhhh, ever see of one of these? There is also a tube device that I have seen that can be used for real long rappels, works much better for speed rappeling than the brakebar.
  13. Well my man, it is like this we leave Thursday late afternoon drive until we are too tired or too stoned or both. Get up the next day finish it out and get on routes early afternoon, then we have all day Saturday and Sunday, morning climbing on Monday and hit the road. My math figures 3 full days of climbing, come on fool. Bobbyperu and Specialed are you guys up for it?
  14. You just figuring out that I am a nut. Damn yer skull is thick. Come on AF, you know you want to climb out there. Hey I got to talk to you about some crag I saw this weekend, looked good.
  15. Yeah sport rappelling seems dumb ass all hell and does not require too much physical skill, but there are other sports like that as well, to each their own.
  16. When I was working at Sterling rope we ended up selling some big spools to some sport rappers. I remember one rope these guys tried to send it back it was I think an 800m spool. They were speed rapping off the New River Gorge Bridge. The idiots got their rappel device so hot that it was melting the sheath on the rope. They sent it back saying that it was defective.
  17. Ok found a place City of Rocks. Anybody up for a road trip? Looks like this is the best bet right now.
  18. Oh man I didn't realize it was forecasted to be that bad, fruck!!!!! Everywhere rain, even down in Bend, WTF. Hope it changes.
  19. I know but hopefully somewhere something is doable.
  20. So I have talked to a couple of you, but no real commitments. I need to have a definite plan to climb some big routes this weekend. So this is what I have in mind. Base out of Colchuck lake and climb S. Face Prussik, Backbone on Dragontail, and maybe something else in that area. Go to WA Pass, climb shit, Clean Break, Something on the wine spires and check out a possible new line. Push it up to Rockies and get on a big classic. Head up to Squamish and climb climb climb drink drink drink. One word: Slesse So what's it gonna be serious and commited people only.
  21. Also the partners section is the best place to post it in.
  22. Both R&I and Climbing suck ass. I wouldn't even use those rags for TP there that bad. I stopped looking at those thing and reading them years ago.
  23. Another benefit of Endurox it is a great hangover prevention and recovery tool.
  24. I am not sure if you saw this in the other thread, but this is from a letter I recieved from a friend: "Wednesday, May 19, 2004 IDEXX runners-5K SUNDAY to honor Peter Cooley A message from Betsy Perry, Manager, Business Communications The organizers of the Pond Cove 5K Challenge in Cape Elizabeth have notified us that this year's race will be in honor of Peter Cooley and they'll be using the proceeds as a donation for the Mt. Rainier rescue team that tried to help him. The race is set for Sunday, May 23rd, at 8:30AM, starting at the Cape Elizabeth Middle School on Scott Dyer Road. There will be ribbons available to show that you're running in memory of Peter. You can complete your registration at the school the day of the race. The cost is $20, payable with cash or a check made out to "National Park Service/Mt. Rainier National Park" with "Rescue donation account" in the memo line. (Please don't register online, as there's no way to signify that you're running for Peter.) Not a runner but interested in donating? Bring your donation to Business Communications (just up the stairs from Lobby A) and we'll take it to the race. Thanks, everybody. See you Sunday!" So there are people thinking about the rescue service that was involved. kudos to them.
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