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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. My point proven folks, dumbass has no sense of humor and doesn't know how to spell, "motercycle". Good thing he is still in school.
  2. Hey Dave and Badvoodoo, how can there be those forums when you (clear throat sound) guys would be the only ones posting?
  3. The facts: Man you are so funny. Who said that I say "fuck you" to 30,000 people every day, 2x's a day. Hmm, I don't recall ever saying that. Ocassionally, (which is a total of 7x's so far only in the morning not the evening, dumbass) I have gotten into the HOV lane. Do all those people recognize that I am by myself, I think not, and those that do are they a sensitive pansy ass like you and take it as a personal "fuck you", I should hope not? Do I actually pass 30,000 people in one swoop, I think not, my high estimate is around 1408 people (a person per car per 15 feet for 2 miles in two lanes), lets just make it 1,500 for the sake of arguement, btw that is only 2.5% of 60,000? The catbirdseat analysis: So with the facts up above I would say estimating high that 50% notice I am a single driver that is 750 people. I would guess that out of that 750 people maybe 10% get pissed so that is 75 people. On average I would say it is only a mile that I travel in the HOV lane so that is 37.5 poeple pissed. And my guess is that 10% of the 37.5 people get so pissed that they actually think I am saying "fuck you", so that is 3.75 people. And obviously those 3.75 people that actually think I am saying "fuck you" are not so offended that they are calling and being a HOV hero, because I have yet to get a ticket. BTW if you are one of the total 26.25 people that I have said "fuck you" too, I am sorry, I wasn't really thinking I was saying that, but according to Scott I was. Please don't take offense if I happen to do it again sometime, just sometimes I get impatient and frustrated in traffic, I mean to cause you personal harm or insult. The fine print: The above is not in any way trying to justify my actions or the actions of other who may flagrantly violate the law. I freely admit I am wrong when I do that and that it is not right of me to do that. The catbirdseat analysis is in no way trying to insult catbirdseat, but is trying emmulate catbirdseat approach to arguement. The point of the above statements, is to show how much of a dumbass Scott really is plain and simple. Scott
  4. You never put yourself first in front of others? Well Ghandi I am very impressed with your ethics. I hope you are not on the clock while your doing all this bantering back and forth, cause it wouldn't be fair that co-workers are working while you are slacking, but you know that right? Sorry I can't always live an ethical life all the time. Like I said before I am not perfect, but I try and sometimes I fail in being good, perfect, law abiding, whatever. Yes I let my frustration get the best of me that day and I am sure that it will happen again. Yes, I cut in line that day and yes it is like driving on the shoulder. And all those people that are waiting in line have the same choice I have, so, that is their own decision whether they wait or not. Your welcome for your assisted PT.
  5. So here is to all you asses (Scott) that expect me to believe that you always do the right thing and play by the rules. I call bullshit. I can't believe you would think that I and everybody else for that matter who is on here is stupid enough to believe that horse crap. Please, you must be trolling right, say it is so. Because not for one minute, I take that back, not for one milli-second am I going to believe that you are perfect, that you always are honest, law abiding, and alway in the right. Bullshit. You are so full of yourself it makes like a lunatic
  6. Nope Scott your the dick. Rules do apply to me, but I m willing to accept the consequences, you dumbass.
  7. Me thinks thats not the best way of reducing commuting, I would like to think that there are better methods.
  8. you'll note that was my only post in spray yesterday. and if you call me minxie again i'm going to have to start pulling hair and calling you fat So is this type chit that goes on in the new all womyn forum. It should be made visible to all and it could be called the cat fight forum.
  9. Guess what folks I rode in on bike today, no car pool lane for me today. Even though if I did drive I probably wouldn't have used it, there was nothing to rush in for and even though there was traffic it wasn't as bad as yesterday morning. Some of you have suggested getting a motorcycle, and I have thought about it, but decided I would be to dangerous to myself, to many year of cycling and being use to going anywhere when I am on two wheel. Even when I am in my car drive along, I can envision doing road gaps, ridig on the terrain along side the highways, jumping off retaining wall, wheelies, launching driveway ramps, railing corners, yeah I'd probably kill myself. Then like all my friends that have gone from cycling to moto, I'd get fat and lazy.
  10. What the hell Dave please I have seen them mounties out in action and they don't move fast at all. Oh wait just a second, I see I see, you were part of that mountie group.
  11. Hey Ken, You looking for someone to carpool with? Oh yeah, I like carpooling when I can. That way I can put someone else behind the wheel and crack beers instead of watching the road.
  12. Greenfork don't you get it, that is why I started this thread, is to see whether or not I am willing to accept the consequences. That is what life is all about really, risk analysis, then making an educated decision. I know I am not perfect nor will I ever try to be perfect and always play by the rules. The answer to your questions. There is no rationalization to be made. Yes I do realize it is selfish like I said I am not perfect, yes I do care that is why I posed the question and why I don't so it all the time, no I am not special and if other people want to break the law that is their own choice, yes HOV lanes are a good idea and I appreciate them when I am actually carpooling, no I don't like blocking interrsection and if i do block an intersection I feel bad about it, and no I am not selfish all the time only sometime like this morning. So you. Sorry Fern no money for you. TUINB
  13. Gripped, so true about if you are passed on the right. It seems to me Seattleite are horrible about going slow in the passing lanes. I have gotten to the point if I want to go faster than the traffic I am usually in the righthand lane. The grocery store anology seems to only work if you are in line with more than ten items and you notice the express lane opens up. So you decide to bail on the line you are in (the grandma with coupons line) to cruise on through and be on your merry way. Either way what it comes down to, is that you break the rules you better be willing to pay the consequences. So with the grocery store you might have the cashier refuse to ring your items cause you have too many item and are sent to the back of the grandma line (it has happened to me and I just smile cause I know I was in the wrong). On the highway you might have to pay the fine and be held up even longer with officer. With that said I never narq on someone unless it harms another in any sort of mental or physical way. You guys that call in on someone in the HOV lane are just little wanna be piggies.
  14. Well it seems that all of you are sort of righteous that are willing to make that 764-hero call rather than let that person in the HOV lane take that risk of running into a copper on the highway. So if some at the grocery store cuts in line do you call the manager in? Jeezs you guys are too much. So I take it you guys are on the phone every day being a hero, calling in reports of people cheating and driving in the HOV lane, cause I see people in that lane that shouldn't be in it every day I go to work. Pathetic
  15. Say what, I have two Tackhead albums? Definitely not trip-hop, but that shit is good. Along the lines of Portishead, that is if you like Portishead, definitely check out Bowery Electric and Broadcast.
  16. Shite, but which ones, that dood has been seriously busy over the year and has at least 20 of his own records, 30 that he has been on, and 100's that he has produced. At least give the guy a starting place, like which ones to check first. So Dru what are your favorite Laswell albums or bands or productions? I really like Sacred System, Ambient Dub vol.'s, XSL, Praxis, Hallucination Engine....and on.
  17. Smoking a bowl on the way to work is not an option, I have to think at my job sometimes. On my way home it is a viable option, but the traffic is usually not bad then, though it doesn't stop me from indulging sometimes. This applies to the six pack idea as well. So dood are back around or are you still in SLC?
  18. The bike is an option, which I do ride quite frequently since I hate traffic. During the summer I will probably riding every day which mean about 200 miles a week. I work 10+ hour days so by bus it would take 1.5 hours on each end, faq that I am not sitting in a bus for 3 hours each day. So that is not an option. I am willing to carpool, but I don't know anyone with the same schedule. Because I work longer days traffic is usually not an issue, I can usually beat the rush hour in the morning and miss it in the evening, so it is not like I drive in the car pool lane all the time, just when needed, those days when I need that extra half hour of sleep.
  19. Oh your hero, whatever....
  20. I was going to go there but I like the banter that comes up. So I thought I would try here first and then go google, if nothing came up. Thanks. Well $101 in my book, is definitely worth it to by pass the traffic occasionally. The cool thing is the more often I get away with it the the cheaper it is to use the lane. I have probably used the car pool lane illegally about 7 times, so that is $12.625 per use if I get caught the next time. Hmm it is sort of like a game, only thing is the game gets harder as summer come along since there is light earlier and later, but hopefully I will be getting on the bike more often during the summer and not have to worry about traffic or getting caught.
  21. Well first off Antonio does not do anything for me. Second I think it would piss the officer off even more if I get pulled over and he see blow up thingy. Fouth I could care less about other peoples road rage, I only have control over mine. Fourth it seems none of you know the answer to my question, how much is the fine.
  22. Nope just trying to prevent myself from becoming a road raging wicked man.
  23. Anybody know how much the fines are for driving in the Washington car pool lane when you are not car pooling? Freak I hate traffic so today I hopped in the car pool lane, ah it was nice. What would have been a hour intraffic was cut down to 10 minutes, that was because I had to get into traffic again for a little bit because I saw a cop. So, I got to figure out if the fine is reasonable enough to make it a habit. I figure if I can get away with it 10 times and it is a $100 or less, that would be worth not getting all while I am driving, but anymore than a $100 just might have to stew in in traffic. So anybody know how much that fine is?
  24. I am up for whatever. Just show me the line and I will ride it. I know that I want to get at least one day on the rock though. Hey anybody else able to go up Thursday night early friday morning? I want to make the most of it that weekend.
  25. You guys so suck, I'm stuck at work this beautiful day. If you two aren't out then you really do so suck. At least I got three day at Smiffy this weekend. Thursday music???????
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